AES Technical Committee

High Resolution Audio

Chair:    Vicki R. Melchior      Send Email
Vice Chair:    Hyunkook Lee      Send Email

Mission statement: AES high-resolution audio technical committee

The core mission of the committee is the quest for a comprehensive understanding of high resolution audio technology in all its aspects. High resolution refers to extended resolution in bandwidth, dynamic range, time, and spatial acuity. The achievement of excellent resolution within audio systems is influenced by a wide range of system elements as well as perceptual elements and signal processing. New technologies enabling ever-greater performance continue to evolve, and it is important to study the performance boundaries as the means of enabling a holistic understanding of both technology and supporting perceptual audio theories. The committee additionally seeks to encourage evolution of the enabling technologies and of audio engineering by promoting high standards of technical performance and sound reproduction.

Areas of Concentration

There are three general areas of concentration that describe the committee's primary activities:

High resolution technology, comprising design issues and advances that enable high performance in playback gear:

- ADC and DAC

- Analog and digital systems and circuitry

- System technology

- Relevant aspects of transducer design

- Technology related to present and future distribution methods (discs, networks, electronic delivery)

Signal processing and theoretical issues related to high resolution waveforms including bandwidth, sampling rate, filtering, time resolution, dynamic resolution, spatial representation, etc.

Perceptual models and testing procedures permitting growth in the understanding and evaluation of high resolution audio, and of those parameters significant to waveform and equipment design.

Recent Activites

AES 156th Convention Workshop: High Quality Audio over Wireless

AES 156th Convention Workshop: High Performance Audio through the Lens of a New Understanding of Hearing

AES 156th Convention Tutorial: The Human Auditory System and Audio

AES 156th Convention Tutorial: Tutorial on Artifacts Generated in Audio Equipment

AES 156th Convention Tutorial: Psychoacoustics and Practices of Immersive Sound Recording

AES 154th Convention Tutorial: Immersive Audio Experience in Binaural Reproduction

AES 154th Convention Tutorial (Heyser Lecture): The Ear is Not a Fourier Transformer

AES 154th Convention Workshop: Towards an Understanding of High-End Audio

AES 151st Convention Tutorial: A Deep Dive into DAW Digits: Can Floating Point Save You?

AES 150th Convention Workshop: Streaming as the Future of High Resolution Audio Distribution

AES 150th Convention Tutorial: Modern Digital to Analog Converters: HOW Many Bits?

AES 148th Convention Tutorial: Transform Processing of Audio

AES 146th Convention Tutorial: Modern Sampling Part 2: Sparse/Compressive Sampling/Sensing

AES 145th Convention Tutorial: Power Amplification for High Resolution Audio

AES 144th Convention Tutorial: Power Amplification for High Resolution Audio

AES 144th Convention Tutorial: Modern Sampling: It's Not About the Sampling, It's About the Reconstruction!

AES 142nd Convention Workshop: Perception of Temporal Response and Resolution in the Time Domain

AES 140th Convention Workshop: Perceptual Evaluation of High Resolution Audio

AES 139th Convention Workshop: Perceptual Evaluation of High Resolution Audio

AES 137th Convention Workshop: D/A and A/D Design for Today's High Resolution Audio Formats

AES 136th Convention Tutorial: Linear Power Amplifiers Revisited: From Picowatts to a Kilowatt - A Practical Guide to Driving both Headphones and Loudspeakers Properly

AES 135th Convention Tutorial: Linear Power Amplifiers Revisited: From Picowatts to a Kilowatt - A Practical Guide to Driving both Headphones and Loudspeakers Properly

AES 133rd Convention Workshop: The Controversy over Upsampling - Boon or Scam?

AES 131st Convention Workshop: High Resolution Audio - A Networked Future?

AES 129th Convention Workshop: Progress in Computer-Based Playback of High Resolution Audio

AES 128th Convention Workshop: How Do We Evaluate High Resolution Formats for Digital Audio?

AES 124th Convention Workshop: Creating a Music Download Website

AES 31st International Conference: New Directions in High Resolution Audio

AES 121st Convention Workshop: High Resolution Audio - Discs vs. Downloads

AES 120th Convention Workshop: Design, Process and Function in High Resolution Audio

AES 119th Convention Workshop: Switching Amplifiers for High Resolution Audio

AES 118th Convention Workshop: Switching Power Amplifiers for High Resolution Audio

AES 117th Convention Workshop: High Resolution in an Age of Universal Playback

AES 115th Convention Workshop: High Resolution Audio - A Look at the Future

AES 114th Convention Workshop: The Future of High Resolution Audio

AES 112th Convention Workshop: Loudspeaker Layouts, Bass Management, and System Interfacing in High Resolution Multichannel Audio

AES 111th Convention Workshop: Myths in Audio

AES 110th Convention Workshop: Myths in Audio (e.g. Sampling, Quantization, Release Formats)

AES 109th Convention Workshop: High Resolution Audio

Meeting Report:

These documents do not necessarily express the official position of the AES on the issues discussed at these meetings, and only represent the views of committee members participating in the discussion. Any unauthorized use of these publications is prohibited. Authorization must be obtained from the Executive Director of the AES: Email, Tel: +1 212 661 8528, Address: 551 Fifth Ave., Suite 1225, New York, New York 10176, USA.

2024-6-30     TC Meeting Notes, Madrid, 2024
Description: TC Meeting Notes from 156th AES Convention,, Spring, 2024 (hybrid meeting)

2023-11-13     TC Meeting Notes, Fall, 2023
Description: HRA-TC Meeting Notes, 155th AES Convention, Fall, 2023

2023-6-3     TC Meeting Notes, Spring, 2023
Description: HRA-TC Meeting Notes, 154th AES Convention, Spring, 2023

2022-10-17     TC Meeting Notes, Fall, 2022
Description: HRA-TC Meeting Notes, 153rd AES Convention, Fall, 2022

2021-10-21     TC Meeting Notes, Fall, 2021
Description: HRA TC Meeting Notes, 151st AES Convention, Fall, 2021

2021-6-10     TC Meeting Notes, Spring, 2021
Description: TC Meeting notes from 150th AES Convention, Spring, 2021

2020-11-11     TC Meeting Notes, Fall, 2020
Description: HRA TC Meeting Notes, 149th AES Convention, Fall, 2020

2019-10-24     TC Meeting Notes, New York, 2019
Description: TC Meeting Notes from 147th AES Convention, NYC, 2019

2018-10-22     TC Meeting Notes, New York, 2018
Description: TC Meeting Notes from 145th AES Convention, NYC, 2018

2017-10-24     TC Meeting Notes, New York, 2017
Description: TC Meeting notes from 143rd AES Convention, NYC, 2017

2017-6-27     TC Meeting Notes, Berlin, 2017
Description: TC Meeting notes from 142nd AES Convention, Berlin, 2017

Technical Report:

2015-2-20     Trends in High Resolution Audio, 2015
Description: Trends in High Resolution Audio, January 2015

2012-1-30     Trends in High Resolution Audio, 2012
Description: Emerging Trends in High Resolution Audio, January-2012


2021-3-28     Japanese Papers on EEG, Hypersonic Effect, and High Res Audio
Description: Archival list of Japanese papers on Hypersonic Effect, HRA, and Auditory Brain Research

Committee Members

 Bob Katz  Bob Stuart  Douglas McKinnie 
 Wieslaw Woszczyk  George Massenburg  Jan Berg 
 Thomas Sporer  Vicki R. Melchior  John Grant 
 James J McTigue  John Dawson  Sergio Liberman 
 Hans van Maanen  David Rich  Jamie Angus 
 Oles Protsidym  Hyunkook Lee  Josh Reiss 
 Pat Dennis  Bryan Martin  Yonghao Wang 
 Steve Temme  Thierry Heeb  Florian Camerer 
 David Jones  Luke Goodloomis  Phillip Tock 
 Brecht De Man  Tacksung Choi  Matt Leatherman 
 Dohyeon Son 

To request membership in this Technical Committee please email the Chair by using the link above.

AES - Audio Engineering Society