Job Title: Emeritus Professor of Audio Technology
University of Salford
Status: Life Fellow
Member since: 1990
AES Position: Vice President - Northern Europe
AES Committees: Regional Vice Presidents, Board of Governors, Convention Policy, Education, Nominations, Regions & Sections, Diversity & Inclusion, Journal Reviewers, Convention: 146th
Technical Committees: High Resolution Audio, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence, Recording Technology and Practices, Signal Processing
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Jamie Angus-Whiteoak Is Emeritus Professor of Audio Technology at Salford University. Her interest in audio was crystallized at age 11 when she visited the WOR studios in NYC on a school trip in 1967. After this she was hooked, and spent much of her free time studying audio, radio, synthesizers, and loudspeakers, and even managed to build some!
She has worked in both industry and academia in diverse fields from integrated optics and acoustics to analogue and digital signal processing. Her expertise ranges from valve (tube) circuits to the applications of esoteric number theory in signal processing. She has pioneered degree level courses in both music technology and electronic engineering in the UK.
She is the inventor of; modulated, wideband, and absorbing diffusers, direct processing of Super Audio CD signals, and one of the first 4-channel digital tape recorders. She has done work on signal processing, analogue circuits, and numerous other audio technology topics. She has been active in the AES for 30 years and has been paper's co-chair for previous conventions as well as a judge for the student project and Matlab competitions.
She has been awarded an AES fellowship, the IOA Peter Barnet Memorial Award, and the AES Silver Medal Award, for her contributions to audio and acoustics.
For relaxation she likes playing drums and dancing, but not at the same time.
In 2004, James Angus was presented with the AES Fellowship Award for achievements in research and education in electroacoustics, particularly for pioneering work on sigma-delta modulation.
In 2019, Jamie A. S. Angus-Whiteoak was presented with the AES Silver Medal Award for a lifetime of important contributions to audio engineering and instruction.
Peter Barnett Memorial Award in Electroacoustics from Institute of Acoustics
1973-1974 University Of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
1974-1977 University of Kent Canterbury, England, BSc 1st Class hons in Electronics
1977-1980 University of Kent Canterbury, England, PhD in Electronics, Thesis, "On the design and implementation of a general purpose digital signal processor"
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