950 P. Ocampo St., Malate
Tel: (632)-536-6752 loc. 111
Fax: (632)-536-6752 loc. 113
Last Updated: 2018-8-13 |
Qualification Awarded on Completion: Bachelor of Arts
Facilities: Recording Studio Labs (Pro Tools HD), MIDI Labs (Mac/PC), Sound Reinforcement Lab
Exact Duration: Three years trimestral (ten terms)
Emphasis: AB Music Production
Fee: inquire
Internship/Work Placement: internship
Validating Body: CHED accredited (Philippine Government)
Contact Person: Agnes Manalo
Dong-Ah yedae Rd. 47 Samjuk-myeon
Gyeonggi-do 17516,
Korea (Republic of)
Tel: +82-31-670-6600
Last Updated: 2019-12-31 |
Qualification Awarded on Completion: Bachelor of Arts
Facilities: DIMA Audio Studio, Audio Console Room, Audio Mixing Room, Mac Lab, SR Equipments, Concert Hall, Creative Practice Support Center, DIMA Studio Complex
Exact Duration: 1 year Full-Time (after completing 3 year AA degree course)
Emphasis: Production Workshop, Major Practical Lesson, Cooperation Projects, Audio Processing Technique, Advanced Acoustics, New Media
Contact Person: Department of Audio Production
1 Gloucester Road
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2584 8500
Fax: +852 2802 4372
Last Updated: Before 2011 |
Qualification Awarded on Completion: Bachelors of Fine Arts
Facilities: 3 theaters, 2 halls, 2 multitrack studios with Studer A8227-24 Logic 2, Audiofile, Dyaxis II, ProTools
Emphasis: Sound design in theaters, live sound; recording producer in classical music; multitrack facilities; music composition.
Fee: US$ 6,500
Validating Body: HKCAA
Contact Person: Lee Wing-Wing
Wisma ICOM, Lot 126 Section 85A, Lorong Setapak
Kuala Lumpur,
Kuala Lumpur 53000,
Tel: +6-03-4023-6000
Fax: +6-03-4023-4344
Last Updated: Before 2011 |
Qualification Awarded on Completion: University of Wolverhampton, UK
Facilities: Digital Recording Studio, Surround Production Suite, Digital Audio lab (ProTools), Library with online resources, Keyboard lab, Recital Hall, Library, Acoustically Treated Individual Practice Rooms, Ensemble Rooms, Classrooms & WiFi Campus
Exact Duration: 4 years (conducted entirely at ICOM in Malaysia)
Emphasis: Professional Music
Fee: RM77500 (Inclusive of MMobility HW & SW)
Internship/Work Placement: Internship placement for 6 months
Validating Body: Ministry of Education, Malaysia & MQA
Contact Person: Nilesh Thomas
75 Grey Street
South Brisbane,
QLD 4216,
Tel: +61 7 3846 5166
Fax: +61 7 3846 3435
Last Updated: 2014-3-31 |
Qualification Awarded on Completion: Bachelor of Creative Technology (Audio Engineering and Sound Production)
Facilities: Avid C|24, Yamaha DM2000, Toft ATB24, Neve 8803, TLA 5013, JDK R24, UA 2-1176, DBX 160A, Empirical Labs Distressor, TLA 5021, Avalon 2022, UA 2-610, SSL VHD, JLM Dual99V
Exact Duration: 2 Academic years
Emphasis: Audio Engineering & Sound Production
Fee: AU$13 000 (local students) per academic year
Validating Body: DET (NSW), VQRA (VIC), DETA (QLD), ACPET, 'Fee Help' (DEEWR)
Contact Person: Stephane Elmosnino
41 Holt Street Surry Hills
NSW 2010,
Tel: +61 2 9281 8899
Fax: +61 2 9212 4801
Last Updated: 2014-3-28 |
Qualification Awarded on Completion: Bachelor of Creative Technology (Audio Engineering and Sound Production)
Facilities: SSL Duality, AVID C24, Yamaha LS9 and Toft consoles, Lexicon 480L, Avalon 2022, NEVE EQ, UREI 1178, 1176, UA 2-610, ADL C/L 1500, Bricasti M7 outboard,
Exact Duration: 2 Academic years
Emphasis: Audio Engineering & Sound Production
Fee: AU$13 000 (local students) per academic year
Validating Body: DET (NSW), VQRA (VIC), DETA (QLD), ACPET, 'Fee Help' (DEEWR)
Contact Person: Glenn Ferguson
South Street
Western Australia 6163,
Tel: + 61 8 9360 6000
Last Updated: 2015-7-16 |
Qualification Awarded on Completion: BA
Facilities: Large studio/Soundstage + Control Room (Euphonix 5MC); Recording Studio ; 2 x Surround Edit Suites, Audio Lab
Exact Duration: 3 years full time (or equivalent)
Emphasis: http://www.murdoch.edu.au/Courses/Sound/
Fee: AU$18,456 domestic; AU$80,000 international
Internship/Work Placement: Professional placements available (1 semester duration)
Contact Person: Dr Leo Murray
P.O. Box 3428
South Bank,
Queensland 4101,
Tel: +61 7 3735 6111
Fax: +61 7 3735 6262
Last Updated: 2013-1-15 |
Qualification Awarded on Completion: B.Mus.Tech.
Facilities: Audio production suite and sound composition suite available 24-hours a day
Exact Duration: 3 years
Emphasis: Audio recording, engineering, production
Fee: AU$5,000 resident;AU$18,000 nonresident
Internship/Work Placement: 4 to 6 weeks
Validating Body: Department of Education, Science and Training
Contact Person: Matt Hitchcock
18 Heather Street
Auckland 1052,
New Zealand
Tel: +64 (0)9 373 4712
Fax: +64 (0)9 373 4713
Last Updated: 2010-12-2 |
Qualification Awarded on Completion: BA. Rec. Arts
Facilities: Extensive - please enquire
Exact Duration: 3 years full-time
Emphasis: Further development of music production skills relevant to the commercial and classical music worlds. Includes business management, legal matters and communication and research skills
Fee: NZD 14,409
Internship/Work Placement: None
Validating Body: NZQA, University of Auckland, Middlesex University
Contact Person: Leyland Bottomley
No.10-1, Jalan USJ 9/5R, Subang Business Centre
Subang Jaya,
Selangor 47620,
Tel: +60 3 8024 0935
Fax: +60 3 8024 9655
Last Updated: Before 2011 |
Qualification Awarded on Completion: B.A.
Facilities: Extensive inquire.
Exact Duration: Depending on subjects
Emphasis: Advanced production and recording techniques with some communication and music law subjects. See web site: www.sae.edu
Fee: MYR 19,500
Internship/Work Placement: None
Validating Body: Southern Cross University
Contact Person: Philip Kilic
133 Tay St
Southland 9810,
New Zealand
Tel: +64 3 218 2599 Freephone 0800 4 0 FEES (within NZ)
Fax: +64 3 218 1609
Last Updated: Before 2011 |
Qualification Awarded on Completion: BAP
Facilities: 5 purpose built reccording studios including a HD Protools/Control 24 suite, a 5.1 surround/foley suite & 3 studio based classrooms. A BBC designed 83 sq meter audiotorium recording space. ProTools HD/TDM & LE,Toft, Mackie, Soundcraft, Yamaha gear.
Exact Duration: 3 years
Emphasis: Bachelor of Audio Production
Fee: Zero Fees (New Zealand and Australian residents only) Note: Course materials may apply
Internship/Work Placement: SAE Byron Bay, Queensland, Australia
Validating Body: BAP
Contact Person: Aaron Ives
Royal Mediterania Garden, (Central Park Area), Lavender Tower (RL) 2nd Floor, Jakarta Barat
Tel: +6221-2933.5678
Fax: +6221-2933.5682
Last Updated: 2013-11-9 |
Qualification Awarded on Completion: BSc (Hons)
Facilities: ICON D-Command studio, GS-R24 studio, live venue, green screen, Foley studio, Mac suite, classroom, make-up room, library, swimming pool.
Fee: Please contact for prices.
Contact Person: Jason O'Bryan
1-51 Foveaux Street
Surry Hills,
New South Wales 2010,
Tel: (02) 9219 5444
Fax: (02) 9219 5454
Last Updated: 2013-1-16 |
Qualification Awarded on Completion: BMUS
Facilities: 1-51 Foveaux Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010
Exact Duration: 2 years (6 semesters)
Emphasis: Available to Domestic and International students
Fee: A$48,600.00 ( International Fees: A$61,200.00)
Internship/Work Placement: through Interview/Audition
Validating Body: Degree
Contact Person: Jennifer Reed
Callaghan NSW 2308
Tel: +61 49 21 6633
Fax: +61 49 21 6944
Last Updated: Before 2011 |
Qualification Awarded on Completion: B.A., Hons., M.A.
Facilities: Radio production studio, 2 analog 8-track studios, 1 digital 8-track suite, computer lab and workstations including Session and CuBase Audio 3.0
Exact Duration: 3 years
Emphasis: Sound recording, sound design, radio broadcasting and production, audio for video
Fee: Inquire
Internship/Work Placement: 1 semester
Contact Person: Trevor John
Private Bag 3036
Waikato 3204,
New Zealand
Tel: +64 7 834 8888
Fax: +64 7 838 0707
Last Updated: 2011-12-21 |
Qualification Awarded on Completion: BMA (Commercial Music)
Facilities: The commercial music studios feature a ProTools HD3 Accel 192 track recording environment with Control 24 console, post-production and 5.1 DTS surround mixing capabilities, individual Digi002 workstations, with additional recording and rehearsal spaces.
Exact Duration: 3 Years
Emphasis: Interdisciplinary programme with a wide range of student choice across visual arts, graphic design, communication, journalism and music fields. Emphasis on music production.
Fee: NZD$5650 pa (local) / NZD$18900 pa (o/s)
Internship/Work Placement: Negotiable
Validating Body: New Zealand Qualifications Authority
Contact Person: Jason Long
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