Education & Career

AES Education Directory

Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique

Last Updated: Before 2011
If any of the information listed on this page is incorrect please have a school representative fill out this form.

1 Place Igor Stravinsky
Paris, 75004
Tel: +33 1 44 78 48 17
Fax: +33 1 44 72 68 92

Type 3 Courses - Associate degree course (e.g. AS)

Computer Music Curriculum for Composers

Exact Duration: 1 year
Emphasis: Lectures (Oct.- June): theory and practice in science and music; composition project (July-Sept.): performed in a workshop concert
Fee: FF 3,000
Internship/Work Placement: None
Validating Body: Inquire
Contact Person: Jean-Baptiste Barrière

Computer Music Sessions for Composers

Exact Duration: 4 weeks
Emphasis: Training in computer music for composers
Fee: FF 3,000
Internship/Work Placement: None
Validating Body: Inquire
Contact Person: Jean Baptiste Barriere

Type 4 Courses - Bachelors degree course (e.g. BS, BSc, BA, BMus)

Diplome d'Etudes Approfoudies en Acoustique, Traitement Signal et Informatique - Appliques á la Musique

Qualification Awarded on Completion: B.S., B.Sc., Dipl. Ing.
Exact Duration: 4 years
Fee: FF 1,400
Internship/Work Placement: 1-5 years
Contact Person: Philippe Depalle or Marie-Thèrese Join

Musique et Musicologie du XXe Siecle

Qualification Awarded on Completion: B.S., B.Sc.
Exact Duration: 4 years
Fee: FF 1,400
Internship/Work Placement: 1-5 years
Contact Person: Jean-Baptiste Barrière or Marie-Thèrese Join

AES - Audio Engineering Society