
Program: Workshop 10

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  A women in white is wearing headphones and looking up. Text above her head says '2019 AES International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio. March 27-29, 2019. York, UK.


Workshop 10 - Stereophonic Techniques for VR and 360º content


Kacper Sagnowski, Hannes Dieterle and Helmut Wittek


Due to the rising popularity of VR and 360º videos, the ubiquity of binauralised 3D audio has increased in the recent years. While Ambisonics is widely used for these purposes, stereophonic techniques can also be used as part of the production process, as they offer many advantages over coincident methods. The workshop will give examples of Ambisonics-based and stereophonic microphone techniques in the context of VR production. The advantages of using conventional stereo microphone arrays instead of first-order Ambisonics microphones will be discussed.

AES - Audio Engineering Society