AES New York 2019
Product Development Track Event PD11

Friday, October 18, 9:00 am — 10:30 am (1E09)


Product Development: PD11 - Product Management Modeling

Scott Leslie, PD Squared - Irvine, CA USA

Product Management has advanced to become arguably the most important part of Product Development. Being able to research, develop, and present the product definition before design begins leads to more successful products that come to market in less time. Modeling the different dimensions of a proposed product brings a much higher level of understanding and confidence in making key decisions.

In this workshop you will learn how to model in detail the following dimensions:
1) Pricing
2) Market Share
3) Financial Pro Formas
4) Forecasting integrating existing, overlapping and complimentary products
5) Product performance and specifications
6) Product costing and analysis
7) Project planning, costing, and resourcing
8) High Level Summary of all underlying models

This workshop is targeted to current and future product managers, engineering managers, development engineers, manufacturing engineers, and supply chain people. All of these roles can participate and add value to the product management function by participate in the modeling process.

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