
Agenda for HC Meeting at 119th Convention

Notice and Agenda for the
AES Historical Committee Meeting
2005-10-09 (Sunday) at 10:00...12:00 at the
119th Convention, New York

The meeting is scheduled to take place at the Javits Center, Room 2 D02, on 2005-10-09 (Sunday) at 10:00...12:00. The meeting will be chaired by Historical Committee Chair Jay McKnight.

1  Introduction of attendees

2  Amendments to and approval of agenda

3 Minutes of previous meeting at the 118th Convention  will soon be posted on the HC website. These will be corrected by email and approved by lack  of objection.

4  Committee Report to the Governors. The report on our ongoing  projects is now available to view at  .

5  Ongoing projects

5.1 Report from this convention.

5.2 If you would like to do a historical project, please come and tell  us about it. See our the report to the Governors (above) for  status of projects.
5.3 We (still) need both interviewers and interviewees for the "Oral  History Project", especially for those outside of the US. Ideas?  Volunteers? The list of interviewees has recently been updated.

5.4  Historical Committee Events at future conventions (120th,  2006-05-20...23 Paris; 121st, 2006-10-06...09 , San Francisco) -- ideas? volunteers?

6  New business

7  Date of next meeting
2005-09-30 T11    jm

Jay McKnight, Chair
AES Historical Committee

Magnetic Reference Laboratory, Inc
229 Polaris Ave, Suite 4
Mountain View, CA  94043  US

Tel: +1 650 965 8187     Fax: +1 650 965 8548
mailto:[email protected]

AES - Audio Engineering Society