

SC-03-07 meeting, San Francisco, 2010-11

Report of the meeting of the SC-03-07 Working Group on Audio Metadata of the SC-03 Subcommittee on the Preservation and Restoration of Audio Recording held in San Francisco, 2010-11-04

The meeting was convened by chair Chris Chambers. This meeting was formed as the second part of a joint SC-03-06 / SC-03-07 meeting.

The agenda and the report of the previous meeting, 2010-05-24, were accepted as written.

Development projects

AES-X071: Liaison with SMPTE Registration Authority
Scope: to formalize a working relationship with the SMPTE Registration Authority Current status: Review current SMPTE set and compare with AES requirement. Contact SMPTE with examples of variance.

No action reported.

AES-X114: Metadata review
Scope: to study and report on the methods and techniques for attaching and implementing metadata through all aspects of interfacing real-time and file-transfer audio, including, where related to audio, other metadata related to other media. The scope includes metadata for professional recording, sound reinforcement, production, broadcasting, and transmission as well as the exchange of metadata and associated audio among different organizations. It also includes the development of techniques, such as UML, to aid the description of the relationships and flow of metadata requirements in an open and recognised way.

Nothing reported on this occasion.

AES-X134: Core metadata for audio exchange
Scope: To study and produce a standardised set of XML tags, along with their definitions, that describes the core set of metadata to accompany professional audio when being transferred by file or streamed formats.

This documentand EBU Tech 3293 now been harmonised and the resulting document will be used as the AES descriptive metadata for audio exchange with many thanks to the members from the EBU for all the work on this. The points raised on the reflector were discussed and the PWD revised with the comments accepted. The last issues with the "time" related elements were resolved and the AES-X134 document and schema adjusted accordingly. The element examples shown in AES-X134 PWD will be improved to provide more information in line with the schema file.

The draft AES60-2010.xsd schema file has now been uploaded to the AES namespace to allow this working group and the AES-X098B working group to carry out tests and checks on the documentation before moving both these project to the public call for comment stage. The draft schema path is: The current AES-X134 PWD will be put through its final draft following the items raised at this meeting in the next couple of weeks. This will be followed by a notification on the reflector for working group review before being sent for CFC.


There were no other liaison issues.

New Projects:

No new projects were received or proposed.

New business:

There was no new business.

The next meeting will be scheduled in conjunction with the AES 130th Convention in London, 2011-05.