

SC-02-08 meeting report, San Francisco, 2006-10

Report of the meeting of SC-02-08 Working Group on Audio-File Transfer and Exchange of the SC-02 Subcommittee on Digital Audio, held in San Francisco, CA., US., 2006-10-06

The meeting was convened by chair M. Yonge

The agenda and the report of the previous meeting, 2006-05-22, were accepted as written.

Open projects

AES-R1-R: Task Force on High-Capacity Digital Audio Carriers (AES-R1)
No action was requested or required.

AES31-1-R: Review of AES31-1-2001: AES standard for network and file transfer of audio - Audio-file transfer and exchange - Part 1: Disk format.
A CFC for reaffirmation was published 2006-07-08 and was still open at the time of the meeting. There was no discussion.

AES31-2-R: Review of AES31-2-2006: Part 2: File Format for Transferring Digital Audio Data Between Systems of Different Type and Manufacture
This new document was published recently with the primary purpose of providing a clear normative reference for implementers and for use in other standards in the AES and in other bodies. It was proposed that this standard be offered to IEC in order to progress to an International Standard.

There was some discussion regarding clarifications for the use of null-terminated strings in some "bext" fields. U. Henry will provide suitable text for an additional editorial note for guidance on this topic.

AES31-3-R: Review of AES31-3-1999, Part 3: AES standard for network and file transfer of audio - Audio-file transfer and exchange - Part 3: Simple project interchange. including maintenance of annex F.
The meeting felt the revised draft was complete except for editorial details concerned with the presentation of literal quotes. A new, and hopefully final, draft will be posted soon after this Convention.

AES46-R: Review of AES46-2002: AES standard for network and file transfer of audio - Audio-file transfer and exchange - Radio traffic audio delivery extension to the broadcast-wave-file format
No action was requested or required.

However, this document is due for mandatory review in 2007, so any proposal to revise it should be considered now. Proposals for revision should be sent to this reflector as soon as possible.

Development projects

AES-X068: A Format for Passing Edited Digital Audio Between Systems of Different Type and Manufacture That Is Based on Object Oriented Computer Techniques
There has been no comment from the group since the posibility of working with AAF was discussed at the Paris meeting. This meeting felt that progress could only be made with specialist input.

AES-X128 : Liaison with AAF Association

AES-X149: Format and Recommend Usage of the Direct Stream Digital Interchange File Format (DSDIFF)
Project scope: To standardise a file format to allow general interchange of sound files based on DSD-coded data based on an existing specification. The DSDIFF file format is intended for storage and transfer of DSD and DST (encoded DSD) material.

A new draft, v0.6, was recently posted to the group which was written in the light of comments posted earlier to the Working Group e-mail reflector.

The question was assked whether this file format could be referenced in an AES31-3 project. It is believed tha some implementors have developed a technique to do this and they may be able to contribute to this standard. There were some discussions on the differences between the currrent draft and AES Standards style. The next stage will be to secretariat-format the document as a PWD.

A formal patent-policy compliance letter will be sought from Philips in accordance with our rules.


There were no other liaison issues.

New Projects

No new projects were received or proposed.

New business

There was no new business.

The next meeting will be scheduled in conjunction with the AES 122nd Convention in Vienna, Austria, 2007-05.