

SC-03-02 meeting, San Francisco, 2004-10-28

Meeting of the SC-03-02 Working Group on Transfer Technologies of the SC-03 Subcommittee on the Preservation and Restoration of Audio Recording was held in San Francisco, CA., US., 2004-10-28.

The meeting was convened by the chair of SC-03, T. Sheldon.

The agenda and the report of the previous meeting held on 2004-05-08 in Berlin, Germany, were approved as distributed.

Open Projects

AES-X064: Test methods and materials for archival mechanical media
The majority of the meeting time was spent discussing this project. The project seeks to produce a limited series of a test record set including a re-edition of the IEC PUB 98 coarse-groove 78-RPM test frequency record and a lateral-cut geometrical and level test calibration record, with adequate technical and historical documentation and instructions for use in calibrating a playback system. The meeting discussed the completion of a business plan for the project and the presentation of it to the AES Board of Governors along with a request for a publication subvention to produce the disc sets. Sales of the disc sets now is estimated to yield an amount in excess of production costs. The Working Group awaits the decision of the AES Board of Governors before seeking support elsewhere.

AES-X106: Styli shape and size for transfer of records
The project seeks to identify the mechanical part of the interface between a mechanical record and an electrical signal representative of the intended information stored by the mechanical record. The standard will propose a set of guidelines to ensure optimal retrieval of the recorded information in various groove systems used in mechanical recording.

The Working Group anticipates submission of a PTD for consideration by 2005-5.


New Projects

No new projects were presented.

New Business

No new business came before the Working Group.

The next meeting will be scheduled to take place in conjunction with the AES 118th Convention in Barcelona, Spain, 2005-05