

SC-04-08 meeting report, online meeting, 2023-10

Report of the meeting of the SC-04-08 Working Group on Measurement and Equalization of sound systems in rooms, held online, 2023-10-11

Vice-Chair David Prince convened the meeting.

In attendance were Alfred Svobodnik, David Andrews, Brian Vessa, Charlie Hughes, Joel Brito, Philip Newell, Tom Holman, Scott Dorsey, Richard Cabot.

The formal notice on patent policy was read.

Minutes of previous meeting online, 2023-05-24 were accepted.

Projects assigned to this group but not mentioned here had no action requested or required - see for details.

Development projects

AES-X218: Measurement and calibration of sound systems in rooms.
David Prince reviewed the release of AVIXA 102 and 103 and the posting of the documents to committee storage. Unfortunately, none of the attendees were able to dig extensively into the Avixa standards.

David Prince noted his concerns that room acoustics assessment was lighter than what x218 intended. Sound intelligibility metrics were not covered. And the Ambient Noise Level could be dominated by a louder than elsewhere spot.

Charlie Hughes clarified that an average noise level is obtained by walking the room and would represent an average and is intended to ensure adequate signal to noise level. But there was agreement that a loud spot could be reported when the rest of the room was not at that noise level.

David Prince asked Charlie if he thought that the Avixa standards were open to suggestions by AES. Charlie suspected that he thought yes, AES could provide suggestions for modifications and/ or provide complementary sections (eg. Room Acoustics, Intelligibility) to help unify a room assessment approach. Liaison relationships will be explored.

We did not have information on how much uptake the AVIXA standard has (or if there is feedback on its application) but hopefully this information can be shared under liaison.

No other comments were presented by the attendees.

Since several previous key contributors were not present, David Prince announced the kickoff of meetings every other week (proposing Tuesday 11am Eastern Time) to get more active participation and drive a direction.

AES-X219: Method of measurement for frequency and impulse response of sound systems in auditoria
Project remains postponed until there is some output of X218


Charlie Hughes provided contact information for Liaison with AVIXA on the 102/103 standards.

New Projects

No new projects were proposed.

New Business

No new business.

The next meeting will be held online in May 2024, scheduled in conjunction with the AES 156th Convention.

AES - Audio Engineering Society