

Call for comment on REAFFIRMATION of

Published 2011-06-20

Call for Comment on REAFFIRMATION of AES-6id-2006, AES information document for digital audio - Personal computer audio quality measurements has been published.

The comment period has now closed. There were no comments.

This document was developed by a writing group of the Audio Engineering Society Standards Committee (AESSC) and has been prepared for comment according to AES policies and procedures. It has been brought to the attention of International Electrotechnical Commission Technical Committee 100. Existing international standards relating to the subject of this document were used and referenced throughout its development.

Address comments by E-mail to the AESSC Secretariat at, or by mail to the AESSC Secretariat, Audio Engineering Society, 60 E 42nd St., New York NY 10165, US. E-mail is preferred. Only comments so addressed will be considered. Comments that suggest changes must include proposed wording. Comments must be restricted to this document only. Send comments to other documents separately.

This document will be approved by the AES after any adverse comment received within three months of the publication of this call on has been resolved. All comments will be published on the Web site.

Persons unable to obtain this document from the Web site may request a copy from the secretariat at

Audio Engineering Society Standards Committee
Draft Comments Dept.

The Brambles
Awre Road
Glos GL15 4AA