

AES Standard

AES-R11-2009 (s2018): AES standards project report - Methods for the measurement of audio video synchronization error

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AES-R11-2009 (s2018): AES standards project report - Methods for the measurement of audio video synchronization error
Printing Date: 2009-12-03
Publication History: First published 2009; Stabilized 2018
Abstract: The synchronization of audio and video (A-V sync, or lip sync) in television continues to pose a problem for producers and broadcasters, because errors in synchronization continue to be a source of audience dissatisfaction.

Although digital television includes timing information that should keep audio and video properly synchronized, this in itself can simply be another source of problems. New display technologies, and separate audio and video signal paths within the living room, present new challenges for lip sync.

Project AES-X177 was started in an effort to help with creating the solution to the problem. It had the aim of standardizing a simple method of measuring lip sync. The task proved more difficult than anticipated and the project was subsequently closed. However this report gathers together two relevant documents that were produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation during the life-time of the project. One is a study of factors that affect perception of lip sync, the other is a study of operational practices in a real broadcast chain.
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