
AES Academy 2020 Call for Contributions

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Dates: January 16—19, 2020
Location: Hilton Hotel, Anaheim, CA, USA
Contributions Chairs: Mark Frink and Charlie Hughes | Send email
The four-day AES Academy will offer a unique opportunity for the pro-audio community to experience the latest production tools and techniques for studio and stage applications. 
The core program will comprise a series of Education and Training Seminars from industry experts.
We also seek a limited number of expert presenters in the following  areas of interest to the studio and live-sound communities, including but not limited to: Studio Monitoring | DAW Software | Digital Signal Processing | Immersive Sound | Virtual and Augmented Reality | Console Ergonomics | Multi-Media Mastering | Hearing Conservation | Intelligibility | Performance System Design | Wireless/RF Systems | In-ear Monitoring | Stage Monitoring Techniques | Digital Audio Networks | Line Array Systems | Low-Frequency Arrays | Live Sound Consoles | Concert Sound Reinforcement | Architectural Acoustics for Live Performance | Microphones | Audio Technology.
To be considered as a possible seminar presenter for these and other related topics, as well as receiving a copy of our draft program, please email Mark Frink and Charlie Hughes.
AES Academy 2020 is a must-attend opportunity for both presenters and attendees alike. Come share your knowledge and experience.


AES - Audio Engineering Society