145th AES CONVENTION Game Audio & XR Track Event RP04: The WoW Factor

AES New York 2018
Game Audio & XR Track Event RP04

Wednesday, October 17, 4:15 pm — 5:45 pm (1E06 (Immersive/PMC Rm))


Recording & Production: RP04 - The WoW Factor

Jim Anderson, Anderson Audio NY - New York, NY, USA; Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music, New York University - New York, NY, USA

What is Wow? Who has Wow? Where is Wow? Why is Wow needed? When can I get Wow? How can I get Wow?
Over one hundred years ago, audiences experienced “Wow” listening to a singer and comparing their sound with a recording. Observers at the time found that it was “almost impossible to tell the difference” between what was live sound and what was recorded. Sixty years ago, the transition from monaural sound to stereophonic brought “realism” into listener’s homes and today audiences can be immersed in sound. This talk will trace a history of how listeners have been educated and entertained to the latest sonic developments and said to themselves and each other: “Wow!”

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