
AES Section Meeting Reports

New York - September 13, 2023

Meeting Topic:

Moderator Name:

Speaker Name:

Other business or activities at the meeting:

Meeting Location:


AES Party idea/flash mob or official. Olly olly market near javitz (West 27th st)
- Open and public space
- Roey propose contact RXR (management of building) to keep it open after 8pm?
- make flyer for AES to invite people and bring pass
- raffle available
- Would be held on one of the AES week Oct 25-27 during AES (Oct 25 or 26), avoiding CLA's party. May most likely be on 26.

The manual for events. Created by Roey
- Steps on how to create/plan events for future reference
- $970 in bank, 11 tickets sold so far.
Most likely Eventide nfr raffle being added.
Donation account app vs Eventbrite?
Zeffy used to donate to a cause - a free way to donate

AES notes from last meeting posted?
Steve will post
this meeting Pari? - Pari will post

Post event - Pari?
Pari noted to post photo and event notes after events

Oct 28th Immersive panel
- Pari needs attendee list + team attendee
- Pari takes care of technology at NYU for event
- Start event at 8:30
- Preset 7:40 after room clears

30th IMSTA solicit for AES
- Get a table with maybe some students to represent AES and encourage to join AES?
Angela - maybe able to do it and bring a few students?
Final decision - no table, Skip Insta

Oct 5 Dolby 88 panel
- Nathaniel will communicate with Darren regarding the streaming and technical logistics
most of the panelist will need to remote in

Oct 11 Powerstation
- Roey will moderate
- If powerstation not available, maybe at Renaissance or Eastside Sound

Oct 19 eastside sound spotlight
- focused about eastside sound
- demo a band recording

Nov 2 Build a studio panel
- Joe Lamonde
- Denise moderates - she got in touch with 3 possible guests
- Location - maybe Long Island City, ticketed and online, or we may bring it to the city (NYU possibly)

Dec 13 Mercy, NPR panel at Mercy
- Roey will finish flyer
- Include a link or advertise the show for ppl to view (as a promo)
- Steve and David noted a no admission charge, can accept donations
- Steve will confirm room capacity (might be around 70)

Feb live sound upstate?
- Live Sound event proposed by Jill Linz at Saratoga in February (maybe first-third week or after 14th)
- Zankall Lab Hall - 600 occupancy with streaming capabilities
- They will meet on 20th to discuss topics of discussion - Jill will keep us posted
(Large vs mid-range vs small venues)

Roey - Purchase of 2 hard drives needed for 4 years of videos and data.(main and safety)
- Want to get 2 SSD drives (one main and one backup) - 4TB or get 1 SSD and 1 conventional hard drive as the backup with both holding same storage amount
- Need Jean's help with this
- Need to resolve soon in the next few weeks
- Maybe also considering cloud storage
- Jim has Dropbox Pro to allocate some media for storage if neede

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More About New York Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society