
AES Section Meeting Reports

Escuela de Musica Contemporanea - October 11, 2022

Meeting Topic:

Moderator Name:

Meeting Location:


The main objective of the meeting was to start organizing the III AES EMC Conference and to form the working groups for said task:
Modality and admission: face-to-face with access to transmissions via Zoom for those who are unable to attend in person.
Place and date: EMC. The date will be confirmed according to the other Conferences of the sections of Argentina and availability of the EMC. Tomás will speak to Marcelo Braga first thing in the morning to request the use of the establishment. The approximate date was determined as the last week of November or the first week of December. Based on this, the organization of the event will proceed.
Committees: 4 working groups were formed to organize the event.
Attendances and certifications: its main tasks are to prepare the registration form for the event, control the entry of those registered and based on the data collected, work together with the Design and Advertising committee to issue the certificates.
Design and advertising: in charge of the design of the flyers and the dissemination of the event by all possible means: flyers, whatsapp, Instagram posts, possible posters for the event venue, etc.
Grid and speakers: their task is to communicate with the possible speakers who may attend the conference and confirm their events in order to create the grid of activities. In the meeting there was a consensus on the idea of ??carrying out all the activities of the event in a single room instead of several so that all attendees can make the most of them without having to spread out between different events in different rooms. Some ideas that arose to occupy the grid of the event were: content on live sound (Ramón Gallo, Esteban Grillo, etc.), some activity related to Immersive Audio (with the difficulty of having to get a sponsor and the space to set up a system chord sound), Ian Corbett, Edu Pereyra, Nico Shigant, etc.
Logistics and sponsors: This committee will be in charge of obtaining the place and date of the conference, sponsors, and all the technological and administrative tools so that the conference goes well (computers, sound, transmission by Zoom, etc.)
Those attending the meeting are divided into the different committees as follows: Attendances and Certifications: Niko, Manu.
Grid and speakers: Cinthia.
Design and publicity: Arnau, Iván, Marcos.
Logistics and sponsors: Tomás, Federico, Julián.
Those who have not attended the meeting can join any of the committees, keeping in mind that we need to maintain an equal number in each of them.

More About Escuela de Musica Contemporanea Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society