
AES Section Meeting Reports

Argentina - September 23, 2022

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Friday, September 23rd, on the third day of the AES LAC 2022, was not just another day for the AES student sections of the region. The five Argentine sections and emissaries of other LATAM student sections presented the past, present and future of their activities. In a world that has changed due to the pandemic, this generation of students has been able to connect and nurture from and towards a collective spirit, and with their tremendous drive, they predict a magnificent future, not only for our beloved society, but also for the industry and education in our region.
After a brief introduction by Leandro Rodríguez, Lucas Mechechem and Paula Miranda, from AES ECOS section (Avellaneda, Buenos Aires) presented its seminal historical journey. Then it was the turn of AES IMAS section from Mendoza. Yes indeed, students from the Mendoza students section said present, specifically Joaquín Laje Tejo and Lina Elías. Diego Flores and Nicolás Fernández, members of the board of the AES AURAL section (Buenos Aires) continued. Later, it was the turn of the EMC (Buenos Aires), in charge of Federico Matta y Trejo and Julián Benítez. Finishing the national presentations, TAMABA section was presented by Nahuel Orellana and Ariadna Trotta.
And then it was the turn of student members from different LATAM sections, representing the wonderful community of AES LATAM students, created in 2020, during the pandemic. Brayan Rodríguez (from AES UNITEPC, Bolivia), Noelia Rego and Luis Ortiz (from AES Uniandes, Colombia) Itzel Hernández together with Andrés Martínez (from AES TEC de Monterrey, Puebla section, Mexico) were present in person, while Gabriela De León (AES MAP , Mexico). Adrián Longart (AES Audioplace, Venezuela) and Marco Khipo (AES USFQ, Ecuador) did it remotely through videoconference.
This student comunity generates meetings and events held exclusively by AES students from different LATAM sections, acting in collaboration. Things like the counts prior to each LAC -which are already a tradition-, specific and historical events with titans like Bob McCarthy and Martha Mooke, the series of student podcasts, and above all, the permanent and fraternal contact between student sections of the whole region, sharing experiences and resources.
Collaboration, not competition. That is the path that these young people have chosen, sharing their identities, and learning from others in a regional context of sudden and constant growth.

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