
AES Section Meeting Reports

St. Louis - March 7, 2022

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Other business or activities at the meeting:

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Installation of the 2022 Executive Committee members following excellent participation in the recent election. Bill Schulenburg Chair; Josh Harris Vice-Chair; Rob Schlette Treasurer; London Gleghorn Reording Secretary. Justin Fisher will serve as lead of the Event Committee. A call to volunteers was made to serve as lead of the Outreach Committee. Thank you to Paul Hennerich for his service as outgoing Vice-Chair and Kayla Rodgers as outgoing lead of the Outreach Committee. Discussions are ongoing with the Kansas City AES Chapter for a joint event, possibly half way in Columbia at the University of Missouri. Members were encouraged to take advantage of the online resource available through international AES. Members were encouraged to share suggestions for the good of the Chapter with a continued focus on membership value. Webster University AES Student Section President was present with a report on the upcoming Central Region AES Student Summit on April 2-3. Members are encouraged to attend and to invite others to attend this hybrid event with presenters and students attending in-person and from around the world virtually. 70 presenters are scheduled. We are on track to have our next regular meeting in person! The next meeting was set for May 2, 2022. Participants are encouraged to join AES; however, membership will not be required to attend and feel free to invite others to visit as well. The Webster audio students are encouraged to attend and those students graduating this spring, as well as any students who graduated this past December, will be celebrated at the next meeting. A member led discussion followed on how to handle situations of technical issues and difficulties that unfold with clients in the room or during live productions was lively and well-received.

More About St. Louis Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society