
AES Section Meeting Reports

Aural Escuela - August 24, 2021

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On Tuesday August 24 we had the privilege to have Damian Murphy, Faculty Advisor from AES York and professor from the University of York. The man himself prepared a wonderful, specific presentation from us, just like it was a conference presentation or something like that, with historical and geographical information from York also, besides the big audio information! The topic was Room Acoustics and Reverberation Simulation. The intro, about how we listen the environment, merged with the work and the concepts which Damian does and know, was a great open door to the wonders of reverberation simulation from an historical perspective, crossed by technology evolution and the continuing research in the field, from the early first digital reverberators, the Schroeder networks, and after the more sophisticated advanced algorithms who treated the direct sound and the early reflections separately, using resources like ray tracing, image source methods and wave based modeling, along with sound examples. A hybrid approach on wave based acoustic modeling, using both the low and high frequency methods, was presented also by him, which led to the explanation of the spatial high frequency extrapolation method, the last published work about this matters, also with great detail and audio examples.
Damian, you also answered all our questions with great detail and a rich interdisciplinary view, provided us from a lot of links to papers and software, and moreover, with the focus and the passion that we currently see in a big conference, not in a small meeting with a student section! Thanks for this unforgettable afternoon, in the name of all we made Aural AES Student Section.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society