
AES Section Meeting Reports

St. Louis - November 4, 2019

Meeting Topic:

Moderator Name:

Meeting Location:


The Chairman's Report was presented by Bill Schulenburg.
Previous members' only event was successful.

The Vice-Chair Report was presented by Paul Hennerich.
It was suggest that members submit why they are active members to help the Pittsburgh chapter. It was suggested we could use these to help our chapter grow as well and use as member testimonials for example on our Facebook page. It was suggested that we consider sister chapter events.

The Treasurer Report was presented by Rob Schlette.
The treasurer reported $196 with a $2 interest income. Announced that we can submit funding request to national AES in January for the following fiscal year. Please submit any budget purposals.

The Event Committee Reports was presented by Josh Harris.
Considering Jazz St. Louis event in January. Suggest we consider a vendor or rep at a meeting(s) in the future. Bring ideas and/or volunteer for "Under the Hood" events with Josh.

The Outreach Committee Report was presented by Kayla Rogers.
Discussed best ways to disseminate information to members and how to improve this.
Motion to spend $50 on social media advertising that was seconded and approved. Kayla Rogers was charged with putting the campaign together with payment ot be coordinated with the treasurer, Rob Schlette.

Unfinished Business:
No unfinished business.

New Business and Announcements:
• Consider opening a time in the agenda for people to semi-formally discuss various topics.
• Tim gave an AES National recap.
• It was announced that Webster student, Hannah Gallop, was elected National VP for Student Delegates for AES.
• It was suggested that we consider getting involved with St. Louis Music Week.
• Suggested London start an "Action Item" meeting recap to give members opportunity and reminder for follow-up of Action Items brought forward in the meeting.

More About St. Louis Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society