
AES Section Meeting Reports

Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - August 25, 2016

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Jess Repanshek, the on sight CRAS tech, kicked off the evening with a quick background on how he achieved so much knowledge in the realm of Mac computers and list of simple quick keys that would streamline anyone's workflow when used efficiently. Moving projects from Mac to Mac was demonstrated by a step by step tutorial for how to turn the macbook into an external hard drive, a highly requested bit of knowledge, followed by a demonstration of how simple it was to transfer files through a firewire connection. Jess mentioned some tips on how to use the finder application, troubleshooting, advanced memory tricks, and the pros and cons of firmware passwords while here at school. He expressed extra emphasis of file hierarchy and organization when storing your files. In the Audio Engineer Industry, it is of the upmost importance that an engineer knows where his files are located at the drop of a hat. If you can't find an edit for a client, you might as well have not recorded anything.
Jess revealed to the students just how paranoid he was when it came his personal security, and went on to explain just how justified those fears were. Anyone can access your computer without the proper security measures in place. Jess couldn't stress enough how passwords should remain a secret. No one should know it, not even the school's tech. When leaving your computer unattended for even minutes, the students were taught to seamlessly lock their computers with a simple stroke of the touchpad ensuring no one may tamper with files.
Internet security, though not exclusive to any one operating system, was too significant to pass up. More viruses and malware are obtained through illegal movie and television downloads than any other source, and you aren't safe when downloading antivirus programs either. The creators of antivirus software in most cases are creating the very viruses you're paying to be protected from. Jess even went as far as to fill a mac computer with as many harmful programs as he could, just to prove how detrimental such an act would be on your own Mac. Lucky for the students, Jess had already went ahead and installed a trusted antivirus protection program to keep everyone safe while they attend school.
The evening came to a close with questions from the audience. There were questions ranging from how to change ascetic appearance of your desktop, to what it would take to wipe a hard drive clean. It was obvious how curious the students were when it came to the tools the school had given them. For many students this was their first Mac and possessed no knowledge of its capabilities. Jess ended the presentation some final thoughts and letting all students know his door is always open.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society