
AES Section Meeting Reports

Javeriana University - March 25, 2015

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AES Javeriana had the opportunity of bringing composer and producer Andres Torres to dictate both, a conference and workshop, inside the university's campus.

The conference took place in the Mariano Troncoso Auditory, inside the building Fernando Barón of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Throughout it, Andrés Torres talked to the students about his career and his actual job. Torres has a major in Commercial Musical Composition, from Universidad Javeriana. After graduating, he did an internship in "Sonido Comercial" and then won a scholarship to study drums in the Musicians Institute in Hollywood. While living in the United States, he met, and started working with, engineer Sebastian Krys and composer Claudia Brant, from whom he learned valuable skills for his future job as a producer.

Besides talking about his musical trajectory, Torres brought a couple of examples of songs he has produced. During the conference, he showed the song's sessions and explained why, and how, he used different tools to accomplish different goals. Within the explanations, he gave a lot of tips and advices, in which he highlighted the importance of being practical and giving your resources the maximum utility. For example, he explained how despite the fact that he's not a mix engineer, he always tried to pre-mix his songs (by using a couple of plugins) to give a general idea of what he wants for the song in terms of its sound.

The workshop, which was given in Centro Ático's Foley Studio, consisted of ten pre-selected students who had the opportunity of putting into practice their skills as producers. During the first day of the workshop, the students heard several of Torres' productions and learned important tips and strategies for producing. That same day, they were given an audio with two tracks (voice and guitar) for them to produce their own songs and compete for "the best production". The next day, every student brought their production and Torres gave them his opinion about each song. The winner, Carlos Triana, took home a Victor Ribbon Microphone from Cascade Microphones.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society