
AES Section Meeting Reports

Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - March 26, 2015

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Chris Gough is a veteran instructor, composer and artist at CRAS. Tonight he gave us a basic course in music theory. He went over topics such as note names, scales, intervals, chords and key signatures. He also touched on common chord progressions, the circle of fifths, ear training and song forms. He gave examples throughout his presentation to help us understand how knowing music theory could help us as audio engineers. One scenario he gave us was say an artist asked you to punch them in at a certain note, with a knowledge of music theory, we would have an easier time finding the point to punch them in at. He emphasized the importance of being able to recognize and determine the form of songs, so that we can easily communicate with artists.

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More About Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society