

AES Standard

AES-16id-2010 (s2014): AES information document for transfer technologies - Stylus dimensions and selection

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1 record found.

AES-16id-2010 (s2014): AES information document for transfer technologies - Stylus dimensions and selection
Printing Date: 2015-09-22
Publication History: Pub. 2010; Reaff. 2013, Stabilized 2014
Abstract: This information document is aimed at the archivist, librarian or technician who needs to make transfers from mechanical sound records made during the past 100 years or more. Each period had its own technological style and there was little effective standardisation until the late 1940s. Making satisfactory and efficient transfers from these records means choosing an appropriate stylus to suit both the style of manufacture and also the physical condition of the particular specimen. This brief document sets out some guidance on stylus choice for vertical recordings on cylinders and discs, coarse-groove lateral recordings on disc, and comparatively modern microgroove records in both mono and stereo.
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AES - Audio Engineering Society