

AES Standard

AES31-2-2019: AES standard on network and file transfer of audio - Audio-file transfer and exchange - File format for transferring digital audio data between systems of different type and manufacture

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AES31-2-2019: AES standard on network and file transfer of audio - Audio-file transfer and exchange - File format for transferring digital audio data between systems of different type and manufacture
Printing Date: 2019-07-08
Publication History: Pub. 2006, Rev. 2012, Rev. 2019
Abstract: The Broadcast Wave Format is a file format for audio data. It can be used for the seamless exchange of audio material between (i) different broadcast environments and (ii) equipment based on different computer platforms.

As well as the audio data, a BWF file (BWFF) contains the minimum information - or metadata - that is considered necessary for all broadcast applications. The Broadcast Wave Format is based on the Microsoft WAVE audio file format. This specification adds a ?Broadcast Audio Extension? chunk to the basic WAVE format.

An optional Extended Broadcast Wave Format (BWF-E) file format is designed to be a compatible extension of the Broadcast Wave Format (BWF) for audio file sizes larger than a conventional Wave file. It extends the maximum size capabilities of the RIFF/WAVE format by increasing its address space to 64 bits where necessary. BWF-E is also designed to be mutually compatible with the EBU T3306 "RF64" extended format.

This revision includes a new annex I to describe a universal 'ubxt' chunk to carry human-readable information in UTF-8 multi-byte characters to support international character sets. The 'ubxt' chunk is always in addition to the basic 'bext' chunk and never used on its own. The document also specifies requirements for implementation, and priority of data when the machine-readable elements in the 'bext' and 'ubxt' chunks are not identical. This revision is intended to be compatible with IEC 62942, currently in development.
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AES - Audio Engineering Society