

AES Standard

AES38-2000 (s2012): AES standard for audio preservation and restoration — Life expectancy of information stored in recordable compact disc systems -- Method for estimating, based on effects of temperature and relative humidity.

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AES38-2000 (s2012): AES standard for audio preservation and restoration -- Life expectancy of information stored in recordable compact disc systems -- Method for estimating, based on effects of temperature and relative humidity.
Printing Date: 2010-10-28
Publication History: Pub. 2000, Reaffirmed 2005, Reaffirmed 2010; Stabilized 2012.
Abstract: This standard specifies test methods for estimating the life expectancy of information stored in recordable compact disc systems. Only the effects of temperature and relative humidity on the media are considered. (28 pages)
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AES - Audio Engineering Society