
AES Member Profile

Schuyler Quackenbush

Schuyler Quackenbush

Job Title:

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Audio Fields:

  • Broadcasting - Internet Distribution
  • Broadcasting - Television Sound
  • Acoustics, Psychoacoustics, Hearing - Measurement and Instrumentation
  • Product Design & Manufacturing - Software
  • Educational Institutions - Educator

Job Duty:

  • Consultant


Dr. Schuyler Quackenbush joined AT&T Bell Laboratories in 1986 as Member of Technical Staff, and subsequently was with AT&T Laboratories. In 2002 he founded Audio Research Labs, an audio technology consulting company.

His research interests are audio and speech processing algorithms and real-time signal processing implementations. He is active in standardization of audio coding algorithms, and is currently the chair of the International Standards Organization Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) Audio subgroup, and was one of the authors of the ISO/IEC MPEG Advanced Audio Coding standard.

AES Awards

In 2006, Schuyler Quackenbush was presented with the AES Fellowship Award for significant contributions to the development and standardization of perceptual audio coding.

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