AES Los Angeles 2014 Presenter or Author
Mike Kahrs
Primary Affiliation: Sound-Management - CA, USA
First gig was as projectionist in jr. high school, Fullerton, CA, mixed my first band during high school in the gym (natch) on a Gary Sunda designed system with "proprietary" A7 cabinets (Altec was down the street). Took organ lessons from Altec's nat. sales manager. Eventually my keyboard sound system was bigger than the band's PA, so I played and mixed, or just mixed, or just played. First joined AES and SMPTE during college while studying physics.
Had a variety of dead-end jobs during the day including a time at Fender, on the Rhodes line, as an IBEW member (!), while continuing to support bands at night, and finally transitioned into full-time corporate audio work after a lucky introduction to AVTS from a friend. Have spent the last 20 years working with and for some of the sharpest techs in the corporate staging industry.
About half of my work is of the A2 variety (System Tech, RF Coordinator, comms), the remainder is mostly mixing events, big and small, concert/corporate/church. I have a significant amount of sound equipment of my own which hwlps me understand the perspective of those I work for. I enjoy RF Coordination the most lately, as the gear is better than the challenges, for the most part. I doubt it will be that way much longer.
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Session List
Oct 12:
LS10: Corporate Events: Complex Setup, One Chance to Get it Right, What Could Go Wrong? (Panelist)