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Join the AES in L.A.

The 137th AES Convention is gearing up to take place October 9-12 at the Los Angeles Convention Center, located in the revitalized L.A. Live district. Returning to Los Angeles after nearly 12 years, the AES Convention will bring together the world’s largest gathering of audio professionals. Attendees will be offered opportunities to hear from top audio industry figures while also sharing in the latest research and technology information through informative papers, tutorials, workshops and special events.

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137th Audio Engineering Society Convention Continues to Garner Accolades — Largest West Coast Convention in Over a Decade

AES137 marks a triumphant return to L.A. and proves that “If It’s About Audio, It’s At AES”


137th Audio Engineering Society Convention Breaks Records and Draws Acclaim from Attendees, Exhibitors and Presenters Alike

Convention reminds West-Coast audio community, “If It’s About Audio, It’s At AES!”


137th Audio Engineering Society Convention Offers Special Events and Programs for All Attendees

Opening Ceremonies awards presentation; Alan Parsons and Neil Portnow keynotes; Project Studio Expo; Live Sound Expo; Hi-Res Audio Sessions; and Platinum Producers Panel, plus multiple other sessions and forums are in store for convention itinerary


Legendary Producer/Engineer Alan Parsons to Give Keynote at AES137 in Los Angeles

The address will be part of the convention’s opening ceremonies, Thursday, October 9, 1pm

EXHIBITION HOURS October 10th   10am – 6pm October 11th   10am – 6pm October 12th   10am – 4pm
REGISTRATION DESK October 8th   3pm – 7pm October 9th   8am – 6pm October 10th   8am – 6pm October 11th   8am – 6pm October 12th   8am – 4pm
TECHNICAL PROGRAM October 9th   9am – 7pm October 10th   9am – 7pm October 11th   9am – 7pm October 12th   9am – 6pm