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Dynamic Adaptation in Geometrical Acoustic CTC

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By controlling sound delivery at the listener’s ears, Crosstalk Cancellation (CTC) allows for 3D audio reproduction from a limited number of speakers by simulation of binaural cues. Originally pioneered in the sixties, CTC is currently an active field of research due to increased interest in Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) applications and widespread availability of immersive audio content. In this paper, we present an extension of our multiband, geometrical acoustics inspired, CTC solution able to support a freely moving user. Unlike the static case, support of a moving user requires the ability to update CTC filters in real-time. Being rooted in the time-domain, our solution offers natural support for continuous adaptation to changing conditions. The effectiveness of the proposed solution is verified by laboratory experiments.

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Short-term Rule of Two: Localizing Non-Stationary Noise Events in Swept-Sine Measurements

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Non-stationary noise is notoriously detrimental to room impulse response (RIR) measurements using exponential sine sweeps (ESSs). This work proposes an extension to a method of detecting non-stationary events in ESS measurements that aims at precise localization of the disturbance in the captured signal. The technique uses short-term running cross-correlation as a means to estimate the instantaneous correlation between two sweep signals. Both, the detection threshold and measured correlation, are evaluated on short windows, allowing for accurate analysis of the entire signal. Additional pre-processing steps are applied to improve the robustness of the proposed technique. The approach is tested on various types of simulated and measured non-stationary noise, showing that detection errors did not exceed 23 ms. The method presented in this work increases the robustness of RIR measurements using ESS against non-stationary noise.

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Source position interpolation of spatial room impulse responses

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Measured spatial room impulse responses (SRIRs) are often used for realistic six degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) virtual reality applications, as they allow for the high quality capture and reproduction of a room’s acoustics. Dense sets of SRIR measurements are time consuming to acquire, especially for multiple source and receiver combinations, and so interpolation of sparse measurement sets is required. This paper presents a method for interpolating between higher-order Ambisonic SRIRs with a fixed receiver position but different sound source positions, using a previous methodology. The method is based on linear interpolation with spectral equalisation and RMS compensation, though direct sound, early reflections and late reverberation are processed individually. In a numerical comparison to a basic linear interpolation, the proposed method is shown to more smoothly fade between source positions in root-mean-square amplitude and direction-of-arrival metrics.

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Navigation of virtual mazes using acoustic cues

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We present an acoustic navigation experiment in virtual reality (VR), where participants were asked to locate and navigate towards an acoustic source within an environment of complex geometry using only acoustic cues. We implemented a procedural generator of complex scenes, capable of creating environments of arbitrary dimensions, multiple rooms, and custom frequency dependent acoustic properties of the surface materials. For the generation of the audio we used a real-time dynamic sound propagation engine which produces spatialized audio with reverberation by means of bi-directional path tracing (BDPT) and is capable of modeling acoustic absorption, transmission, scattering, and diffraction. This framework enables the investigation of the impact of various simulation properties on the ability of navigating a virtual environment. To validate the framework we conducted a pilot experiment with 10 subject in 30 environments and studied the influence of diffraction modeling on navigation by comparing their navigation performance in conditions with and without diffraction. The results suggest that listeners are successfully able to navigate VR environments using only acoustic cues. In the studied cases we did not observe a significant effect of diffraction on navigation performance. A significant amount of participants reported strong motion sickness effects, which highlights the ongoing issues of locomotion in VR.

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Representing Inner Voices in Virtual Reality Environments

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The inner auditory experience comprises various sounds which, rather than originating from sources in their environment, form as a result of internal processes within the brain of an observer. Examples of such sounds are, for instance, verbal thoughts and auditory hallucinations. Traditional audiovisual media representations of inner voices have tended to focus on impact and storytelling, rather than aiming to reflect a true-to-life experience. In virtual reality (VR) environments, where plausibility is favoured over this hyper-real sound design, a question remains on the best ways to recreate realistic, and on the other hand, entertaining inner and imagined voices via head-tracked headphones and spatial audio tools. This paper first presents a questionnaire which has been completed by 70 participants on their own experience of inner voices. Next, the results of the questionnaire are used to inform a VR experiment, whereby different methods to render inner voices are compared. This is conducted using a short film created for this project. Results show that people mostly expect realism from the rendering of inner voices and auditory hallucinations when the focus is on believability. People’s expectations for inner voice did not change considerably in an entertainment context, whereas for hallucinations, exaggerated reverberation was preferred.

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Robust reverberation time estimation for audio augmented reality applications

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The paper presents an alternative approach for estimating reverberation time from measurements in real rooms when the requirements of the standard DIN EN ISO 3382-1/2 for the characteristics of the sound source, receiver, and measurement positions cannot be met. The main goal is to minimize the variance of the calculated reverberation times when using a directional source and receiver, or source-receiver relative positions with very small distances. For this purpose, the energy decay curve for individual octave bands is sampled in time. The estimation starts 2 ms after the direct sound. This is followed by several estimates of the RT over a 20 dB drop, starting 1 dB later with each iteration. The best fit mean of these values gives the estimated reverberation time. A comparison with the standard reverberation time estimation shows a variance reduction of 10% to 30% for binaural room impulse responses (BRIRs). The proposed method finds its application in situations where measurements can only be made at a few positions in the room and/or only in a few areas of the room. Furthermore, the method should be better suitable for measurements with receivers located near or at the head of a person.

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Wave Digital Modeling of Nonlinear Loudspeaker Drivers

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Loudspeaker driver models are widely adopted in the industry and academia for a variety of applications ranging from loudspeaker design and engineering to loudspeaker system control through digital signal processing. In this contribution we describe a modeling approach based on Wave Digital Filters that allows us to simulate the loudspeaker driver large signal performance. The proposed approach features an efficient and explicit discrete-time realization of the nonlinear loudspeaker driver. We compare simulations with results to prove the accuracy of the proposed approach.

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Deep Learning for Loudspeaker Digital Twin Creation

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Several studies have used deep learning methods to create digital twins of amps, speakers, and effects pedals. This paper presents a novel method for creating a digital twin of a physical loudspeaker with stereo output. Two neural network architectures are considered: a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and a WaveNet-style Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The models were tested on two datasets containing speech and music, respectively. The method of recording and preprocessing the target audio data addresses the challenge of lacking a direct output line to digitize the effect of nonlinear circuits. Both model architectures successfully create a digital twin of the loudspeaker with no direct output line and stereo audio. The RNN model achieved the best result on the music dataset, while the WaveNet model achieved the best result on the speech dataset.

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Beamforming headphone ANC for targeted noise attenuation

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A novel Targeted through Beamforming Active Noise Control (TBANC) approach for headphones is presented which achieves an improved noise reduction via targeting of a specific, potentially disturbing noise source in the presence of the di?use field noise interference which is addressed by current ANC methods. The method utilizes the signals captured by two reference microphones, one on each headphone earcup, in a multi-reference ANC scheme while a phased array is formed by these two microphones that commonly reside on top of the headphone earcups. By employing a simple Time-Delay Beamforming approach to target the primary, undesired noise source, the proposed ANC successfully attenuates this source while also achieving a significant reduction of the di?use noise.

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An Evaluation Method for Temporal Spatial Sound Attributes

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This work proposes a methodology for assessing temporal sound attributes, which can be applied to register time-varying perceptual attributes of audio signals reproduced via di?erent spatial systems. The proposed methodology is inspired by state of the art temporal sensory evaluation of food, and such concepts are integrated into current spatial sound evaluation approaches. Here, as an example, we consider the dynamic evaluation of the perceptual attribute of envelopment, time intensity of envelopment (TIE), for music samples reproduced in three di?erent spatial formats (mono, stereo and surround 5.0). The work describes a proposal for appropriate listening tests and data collection, along with a novel method for post-screening and extracting reliable temporal attributes from the listener assessments. A thorough description of each component of the listening test is given and a novel methodology is proposed for assessing the agreement of the listening panel and reducing the noise of the obtained data, based on non-centered Principal Component Analysis and hierarchical clustering algorithms.

AES Convention: Paper Number: Permalink
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                 Search Results (Displaying 1-10 of 28 matches)
AES - Audio Engineering Society