
AES Section Meeting Reports

University of Hartford - April 22, 2010

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On April 22, 2010, elections were conducted for Hartford AES's 2010-2011 executive board. Candidates presented brief speeches to the assembly and a hearing was held to discuss each contender's qualifications. Members cast anonymous votes, and the results were announced:

Chair and SGA President: Colin Pfund, AUD/EE '12 (re-elected)
Vice Chair of CETA and SGA Co-Vice President: Luke Sherman, AUD '11 (formerly CETA Events Coordinator)
Vice Chair of Hartt and SGA Co-Vice President: Bryan Lovett, MPT '11
CETA Events Coordinator: Joe Pietrocola, AUD/CMM '12 (formerly Treasurer)
Hartt Events Coordinator: Briana Demusz MPT '12
Secretary: Joshua Forest AUD '12
Treasurer: Nicholas Turner AUD '12

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