
AES Section Meeting Reports

Graz Student - June 5, 2020

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This year's AES Convention was held under special premisses as the onsite event in our capital Vienna has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, quite a few students from Graz participated and followed the talks and livestreams.

A highlight was of course the keynote by our colleague and lecturer Franz Zotter regarding "Try Ambisonics, it's better than ever!".
With Felix Holzmüller and Hannes Herrmann starring their affordable DIY artificial head, we had a submission of our section's members at the Saul Walker Student Design Competition. This project was honored with a Gold Award, the third in a row for Graz' students. Congratulations!
Quite a few E-Briefs and a paper from Graz were submitted covering topics such as spacial audio, audio signal processing and hardware design. Especially "HOAST - A Higher-Order Ambisonics Streaming Platform" by Tommi Deppisch, Nils Meyer-Kahlen gained plenty of interest.
To let some convention-feeling come up, we started our own Discord-Server for chatting and discussing everything we saw.

Thanks to the Convention Committee for organizing this great event on such short notice, we're looking forward to meet in person at next year's convention again!

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AES - Audio Engineering Society