Job Title: Research Director, CNRS
Sorbonne Université, Institut Jean Le Rond d'Alembert
Status: Member
Member since: 2007
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Brian F.G. Katz a CNRS Research Director at the Sorbonne Université, Institut Jean Le Rond d'Alembert, in the group Lutheries - Acoustics - Music. His fields of interest include spatial 3-D audio rendering and perception, room acoustics, HCI, and virtual reality. With a background in physics and philosophy, he obtained his Ph.D. in acoustics from Penn State in 1998 and his HDR in engineering sciences from UMPC in 2011. Before joining CNRS, he worked for various acoustic consulting firms, including Artec Consultants Inc., ARUP & Partners, and Kahle Acoustics. He has also worked at the Laboratoire d'Acoustique Musical (UPMC), IRCAM, and LIMSI-CNRS.
Bourse Chateaubriand de la mission scientifique et technologique de l'Ambassade de France, 2000.
European Acoustics Association : Award for Outstanding Recent Scientific Results Published in Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 2008. Recipients: Catherine Guastavino, Brian FG Katz, Jean-Dominique Polack, Daniel J. Levitin, & Daniél Dubois. "For their work on linguistic exploration of verbal data as a methodology for exploring the cognitive processing of environmental sounds."
Ergo'IHM : Prix de la meilleure communication scientifique, Ergo'IHM 2012. Recipients: Tifanie Bouchara, Brian Katz, & Christian Jacquemin. For the paper "Guidage attentionnel à base de flou audiovisuel pour la conception d'interfaces multimodales".
EuroVR : Best "Scientific/Technical" Paper Award, 14th EuroVR international conference, 2017. Receipients: David Thery, David Poirier-Quinot, Barteld Postma, Brian Katz. For the paper "Impact of the visual rendering system on subjective auralization assessment in VR".
Nov 2011 : HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches), Speciality : Engineering Science
Title : « Sound & Space » : Contributions to research concerning sound in space.
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
May 1998 : Ph.D. in Acoustics
Title : Measurement and Calculation of Individual Head-Related Transfer Functions Using a Boundary Element Model Including the Measurement and Effect of Skin and Hair Impedance
Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA.
Jan 1993 : Master of Science in Applied Physics
Title : Quantitative Analysis of Deformation Conditions in Blended Fibres
University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
May 1990 : B.A. with a dual major in Physics and Philosophy
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, USA.
Junior year abroad at the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
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