AES New York 2015 Presenter or Author

Thomas Lund
Primary Affiliation: Genelec Oy - Iisalmi, Finland
AES Member Type: Member
Thomas Lund was among the first to document sonic consequences of the ‘loudness wars’ in digital music production. For more than a decade, he has presented research on loudness and true-peak level at audio and video conferences. Drawing on a background in medical science, Thomas has helped broadcast standards evolve away from proprietary technology and towards the transparent and facts-based solutions of today. Heading developments on monitoring, spatialization and reverb his current title is CTO Broadcast & Production. Thomas is convenor of CENELEC TC108X/WG3 tasked with exposure management in personal media players.
Session List
Oct 29:
B3: Loudness for Streaming (Panelist)
Oct 30:
Mix and Mastering Optimized for Streaming (Presenter)
Oct 30:
W9: Give Peaks a Chance (Chair)
Nov 1:
W25: Loudness Regulation: New Tools to Keep the Spirit of Dynamics (Panelist)