Press File Downloads
The following images have been provided for your use in reporting the events at the 133rd AES Convention.
- Jim McTigue and Valerie Tyler (Convention Co-chairs)
- 133rd Convention Committee (Group Shot)
- John Krivit (Education Chair)
- Steve Lillywhite (Keynote Speaker)
- Bill Wray (Historical Chair)
- Brian McCarty (Sound For Pictures Track Co-Chair)
- Conrad Cooke (Product Design Track Chair)
- Wrecking Crew (Special Event)
- Wrecking Crew - Brian Wilson & Hal Blaine (Special Event)
- Wrecking Crew - Tommy Tedesco & Carol Kaye (Special Event)
- Bob Ludwig (Platinum Mastering Panel Moderator)
- David Bialik (Broadcast/Streaming Chair)
- Tim Shuttleworth (Networked Audio Track Chair)
- 25th Street Live Room (Technical Tour Location)
- Electronic Arts (Technical Tour Location)
- TRI Studios Control (Technical Tour Location)
- Vene Garcia (Tutorials Co-chair)
- Mike Wells (Tutorials Co-chair)
- AES Mobile Convention (App for iPhone, iPad, Android, etc)
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (Game Audio Track)
- Jeff McKnight & David Bowles (Workshop Co-chairs)
- Steve Martz (Game Audio Chair)
- 54 BELOW in NYC (subject of a Live Sound Seminar)
- John Vanderkooy (Recipient of Distinguished Service Award)
- Phil Proctor (Poe Special Event Presenter)
- Melinda Petersen (Poe Special Event Presenter)
- Young Guru (Project Studio Expo Presenter)
- Veronique Larcher (Papers Co-Chair)
- Warren Huart (Platinum Panelist)
- Narada Michael Walden (Platinum Panelist)
- Jack Douglas (Platinum Panelist)
- Peter Albin w/Big Brother and the Holding Company (Legendary Artists Panelist)
- Country Joe McDonald (Legendary Artists Panelist)
- J.J. Johnston (Heyser Lecturer)
- 133rd Convention Project Studio Expo Crowds
- 133rd Convention Project Studio Expo Panel
- 133rd Convention Project Studio Expo Session (Young Guru & Craig Anderton)
- 133rd Convention Exhibits Opening
- Young Guru Meets Fans After Platinum Producers/Engineers Event
- Small (120x240) Animated
- Small (120x240)
- Medium Vertical (160x600) Animated
- Medium Vertical (160x600)
- Medium (300x250) Animated
- Medium (300x250)
- Large (468X60) Animated
- Large (468X60)
- Large (468X90) Animated
- Large (468X90)
- Large (728x90) Animated
- Large (728x90)
- Large (500x300)
- Project Studio Expo: Large (728x90)
- Project Studio Expo: Large (728x90) Animated
- Project Studio Expo: Medium (300x250)
- Project Studio Expo: Medium (300x250) Animated
- Project Studio Expo: Medium Vertical (160x600)