Audio Engineering Society E-News

May 12, 2010 - AES London Starts Next Week, Register for 38th and 39th Conferences, Binaural Technology Monograph, New Tutorial and Journal

Table of Contents

  1. AES London Technical Programme Expanded
  2. AES 38th Conference on Sound Quality Evaluation
  3. AES 39th Conference on Audio Forensics
  4. Monograph on Binaural Technology
  5. Tutorial on Microphone History
  6. Job Board Update
  7. AES Journal April Issue Now Available

AES London Technical Programme Expanded

AES London 2010

The AES European Convention, to take place at the Novotel London West Convention Centre from May 22-25, has continued to expand the technical programme offerings. In addition to a diverse line-up of workshops, tutorials, papers, and other special events, you can also now view these events as special tracks for those interested in Game Audio, Broadcast Audio, Semantic Audio, and the Recording Industry.

Make sure to browse through the rest of our extensive technical programme and then register for your badge with the advance registration discount.

If you are only planning on attending the exhibition then you'll love this member benefit: a FREE Guest Invitation "Exhibits Only" badge! All you have to do is register as a member and enter this VIP code: MEM2010 or you can simply login here and follow the instructions in the "Guest Invitation Registration" section.

* Click here for details:

AES 38th Conference on Sound Quality Evaluation

AES 38th Conference

AES 38th International Conference, 2010
Sound Quality Evaluation
Dates: June 13–June 15, 2010   Location: Piteå, Sweden
Chair: Jan Berg, Luleå Univ. of Technology

The conference focuses on the perceptual evaluation of sound quality. This is a complex field that involves a number of diverse disciplines including engineering, psychology, statistics, aesthetics, and language. Classical psychoacoustics has tended to concentrate on studying relatively simple stimuli and their auditory response, whereas sound quality evaluation requires methods that connect more directly with everyday listening experience, perhaps using real-world program material and contexts. Increasingly, attempts are being made to emulate the human perception of sound quality using computational models.

As part of the conference two workshops sessions are being organized to allow for demonstration and interaction with presenters. These sessions aim to bring an air of informality to the event and allow presenters to share the latest methods and approaches for open discussion. To participate in these sessions please read the call for workshop contributions.

Registration has just been launched and the final papers programme is now available for download. Check the website for details and make your travel arrangements today!

* Click here for details:

AES 39th Conference on Audio Forensics

AES 39th Conference

AES 39th International Conference, 2010
Audio Forensics: Practices and Challenges
Dates: June 17–19, 2010   Location: Hillerød, Denmark
Chair: Eddy B. Brixen, EBB-consult, Denmark

If you have any interest in current practices or future directions in audio forensics...if you are considering audio forensics as a career....or if you want to enhance your career development: the AES 39th International Conference in Denmark is definitely the event to attend.

The technical program is very exciting, covering speech, authentication, gunshot analysis, laboratory reviews, etc., as well as tutorials and workshops. Furthermore, the program and participants are truly international, with presentations from 11 different countries. The papers (21 in total) have been selected by Alan Cooper of the Metropolitan Police UK, and Durand Begault, Audio Forensic Center, SF, US. The paper presentations are relevant to both researchers and to audio forensic professionals, and are grouped in the sessions: "Authentication", "Speech and Forensics - Voice Identification", "Speech and Forensics - Automated Systems", "Enhancement of Noisy Recordings", "Acoustical Forensics", "Laboratory Procedures", and "Speech Quality and Intelligibility Assessment". Two important tutorials that address cutting-edge techniques in the field are presented by Geoffrey Stewart Morrison of Australian National University and members of the SWGDE (Scientific Workgroup on Digital Evidence) based in the US. Workshops on practical issues are organized by Gordon Reid of Cedar Audio UK, and Catalin Grigoras of Forensic Science Center, Romania. In addition, companies specializing in audio forensic hardware and software, as well as educational institutions, are exhibiting. It all takes place at an intimate, comfortable venue in beautiful surroundings (just a short distance from the magical city of Copenhagen) that provides the perfect facilities for a highly productive and unforgettable conference.

* Click here for details:

Monograph on Binaural Technology

Monograph on Binaural Technology

Rozenn Nicol has been investigating Spatial Audio technology at Orange Labs for more than ten years. With the publication of this monograph, she aims to promote a better understanding of how binaural technology really "works". Despite its straightforwardness the reproduction of binaural audio with headphones is always impressive - a really convincing 3D sound scene is achieved. This is possible because binaural technology merely mimics the spatial encoding that we use daily when we localize sounds in real life.

Starting from practical issues, concerning what is the real meaning of sound recording and rendering for binaural technology, the underlying theory is then progressively examined. The diffraction of the acoustic wave by the listener's body defines the key concept of binaural technology and can be represented by the associated transfer functions, which are known as Head Related Transfer Functions (HRTF). HRTFs are therefore the raw material of binaural spatialization. It is shown how the spatial information is conveyed through HRTFs, investigating both physical phenomena and auditory localization mechanisms.

* Click here for details:

Tutorial on Microphone History

AES Tutorial

The latest in our series of online tutorials is now available at

Jörg Wuttke, Technical Director Emeritus of Schoeps Microphones, chairs a panel of three eminent audio engineers to discuss the History of Microphones. Stephan Peus' presentation, "35 Years of Microphone Development at Neumann—What Touched Us, What Moved Us," gives an insight to specific development topics and to some very special test procedures including: microphone’s transient response: insights beyond frequency response or polar pattern; RF susceptibility: already a topic before the era of mobile phones; capsule distortion measurement: difficult procedure giving a lot of interesting results; dynamic range and self noise level of studio microphones: a remarkable development within the 35 years in question. Ulrich Apel reports on "The Importance of Vacuum for Condenser Microphones." This includes such topics as: the electron-tube was and is still an important step in the development of condenser microphones; the construction of special-made tubes for use in mics such as RE084k, Hiller MSC2, Telefunken AC701k, EF804, Valvo EF86, 6072, etc.; and special measuring capabilities to select tubes regarding noise, stability and sound. Sean Davies' presentation is "Microphone History: The Why, The How, and The Who." The developments in microphone technology are reviewed from the earliest telephone based type through the decades as far as the 1970s. The “Why” section looks at the reasons behind the different designs, e.g., directional characteristics, output signal levels, diffraction effects, frequency range. The “How” examines the solutions proposed for the “Why” section, and the “Who” identifies the landmark designs and the designers behind them.

You can view a trailer of this presentation on YouTube.

Francis Rumsey, Online Tutorials Project Manager

* Click here for details:

Job Board Update

Job Board Update

The AES Job Board is where our sustaining members post their latest job openings. As an AES member you have exclusive access to this list. The most recent postings can be found here:

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AES Journal April Issue Now Available

AES Journal

This issue includes:

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* Listen to the Journal Podcast:

* Join the online discussion of Journal papers and articles!
