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Digital-to-Analog Converter with Low Intersample Transition Distortion and Low Sensitivity to Sample Jitter and Transresistance Amplifier Slew Rate

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Multibit digital-to-analog converter technology now claims a sample amplitude accuracy of about 20bit. However, to achieve commensurate performance in digital audio applications, both sample timing and the complete sample waveform must also have corresponding accuracies. The errors due to jitter and slew rate are analyzed, as they are treated as a unified process in the presence of a correlation between the audio signal and sample timing. The concept of jitter-equivalent slew-rate-induced distortion is introduced and an enhanced multibit topology proposed, which offers low sensitivity to both jitter and slew-rate distortion and improves upon waveform reconstruction by exhibiting no waveform discontinuities.

JAES Volume 42 Issue 11 pp. 901-917; November 1994
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