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Audio, Acoustics, Wellbeing and the Environment

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Audio, Acoustics, Wellbeing and the Environment is a Masters level module designed to develop an applied understanding of how sound and noise can impact on the wellbeing of society, and the quality of the environment. It encourages students to consider how their practice, and that of their industry, can affect the environment as well as how audio and acoustics technology can be used to improve our sonic environments at work and in the home. The module explores the links between environmental noise, sound insulation and the quality of our work and home environments. It looks at how noise can affect the human auditory system and investigates mitigation and techniques for reducing the impact of noise on our health and well-being. The rationale for the module is built on the desire and expectation from students for this type of content and the requirement by professional bodies for graduates to be competent in this area. There have been challenges mainly in the sheer range of topics that fall under the remit of the module and finding a narrative through these. These were addressed by providing lots of signposted reading material and also focusing on a small number of key narrative themes (the impacts of noise, wellbeing and the environment). Policy and standards documents were vital tools to drive the teaching and learning process. The module has been successful in engaging students and stimulating interesting discussion in taught sessions.

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