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Evaluation of Binaural Renderers in Virtual Reality Environments: Platform and Examples

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One of the challenges of virtual reality technology is to provide convincing sensory information to users, to give the illusion of presence within the virtual environment. Audio-visual input combined with self-motion is a step beyond traditional cinematic content, whereby the audio renderer must accommodate a limitless number of potential user interactions and movements within an acoustic ?eld. In this e-Brief a framework for an online (real-time) 6 degrees-of-freedom evaluation platform is detailed. The platform allows psychoacoustic research and subjective testing of binaural audio renderers for virtual reality applications and ?nds application in the development of the MPEG-I Audio Standard.

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The Engineering Briefs at this Convention were selected on the basis of a submitted synopsis, ensuring that they are of interest to AES members, and are not overly commercial. These briefs have been reproduced from the authors' advance manuscripts, without editing, corrections, or consideration by the Review Board. The AES takes no responsibility for their contents. Paper copies are not available, but any member can freely access these briefs. Members are encouraged to provide comments that enhance their usefulness.

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