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Precedence Effect Using Simultaneous High and Low-Passed Stimuli

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This study was an exploration of interaural suppression in the context of two simultaneous auditory precedence scenarios. The experiment investigated the nature of aural precedence by presenting subjects with two sets of stimuli simultaneously. Combinations of lead-lag signals employed a series of low- and high-passed noise bursts presented as either leading on the same side or on opposite sides of the listener. Subjects were asked to localize each noise burst. Findings suggest that when signals originated at opposite loudspeakers, performance for both signals was degraded. However, degradation appeared to be dependent upon the frequency span between the two stimuli. This novel study of the precedence effect more broadly addresses the manner in which the brain resolves bilaterally conflicting information and provides evidence that binaural suppression is not band limited, is possibly object oriented, and may change with the content of the objects of interest.

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