Time-frequency representation of au | dio |
Bliem T., Del Galdo G., et al. | A Robust Audio Watermarking System for Acoustic Channels |
Fujinoki K., Murakoshi K., et al. | Automated Evaluation for Button Sounds from Wavelet-Based Features |
Gnann V. and Becker J. | Multiresolution STFT Phase Estimation with Mutual Initialization |
Necciari T., Balazs P., et al. | Perceptual Optimization of Audio Representations Based on Time-Frequency Masking Data for Maximally-Compact Stimuli |
SreenivasaRao C., Udayalakshmi R., et al. | Fast Implementation of Audio Crosstalk Cancellation on DSP processors |
Timoney J. and Lazzarini V. | A homomorphic interpretation of the complex FM expansion |
Wakisaka R., Saruwatari H., et al. | Generalized MMSE STSA Estimator with ICA-Based Noise Estimation and Speech Prior Identification for Binaural Hearing Aids |
Yagi K., Takahashi Y., et al. | Music Signal Separation by orthogonality and maximum-distance constrained nonnegative matrix factorization with target signal information |
Time-frequency processing of audio | |
Battenberg E., Huang V., et al. | Live Drum Separation Using Probabilistic Spectral Clustering Based on the Itakura-Saito Distance |
de Paiva R., Pakarinen J., et al. | Economical modeling of high-order nonlinear audio systems using swept-sine and principal component analysis |
Gabrielli L. And Squartini S. | Ibrida: a new DWT-domain sound hybridization tool |
Hamilton B. And Depalle P. | Comparisons of Parameter Estimation Methods for an Exponential Polynomial Sound Signal Model |
Härmä A. | Detection of audio events by boosted learning of local time-frequency patterns |
Jylhä A., Erkut C., et al. | Sonic Handprints: Person Identification with Hand Clapping Sounds by a Model-Based Method |
Llerena C., Gil R., et al. | Comparing two methods based on time-frequency analysis to estimate the instantaneous mixing matrix in blind audio source separation |
Mazhar F., Heittola T., et al. | Automatic Scoring of Guitar Chords |
Olivero A., Depalle P., et al. | Sound Morphing Strategies based on alterations of Time-Frequency representations by Gabor Multipliers |
Primavera A., Piazza F., et al. | Audio Morphing for Percussive Hybrid Sound Generation |
Shenoy R. and Seelamantula C. | Spectral Zero-Crossings Alone Enable Reliable Estimation of Interaural Time Difference |
Siederburg K. And Dörfler M. | Audio Denoising by Generalized Time-Frequency Thresholding |
Sirdey A., Derrien O., et al. | ESPRIT in Gabor frames |
Vilkamo J., Bäckström T., et al. | Optimal Mixing Matrices and Usage of Decorrelators in Spatial Audio Processing |
Wefers F. and Vorländer M. | Optimal filter partitions for non-uniformly partitioned convolution |
Spatial sound | |
Ayllon D., Benito-Olivares V., et al. | Three-Dimensional Microphone Array for Speech Enhancement in Hands-Free Systems for Cars |
Cobos M., Spors S., et al. | On the Use of Small Microphone Arrays for Wave Field Synthesis Auralization |
Daniel A., Nicol R., et al. | Parametric Spatial Audio Coding Based on Spatial Auditory Blurring |
Fink K. and Ray L. | Feasibility of Virtual Auditory Display Customization through Principal Component Modeling |
Franck A., Rath M., et al. | Efficient Rendering of Directional Sound Sources in Wave Field Synthesis |
Mendonca C., Santos J., et al. | On the Adaptation to Non-Individualised HRTF Auralisations: A Longitudinal Study |
Pihlajamäki T. and Pulkki V. | Projecting Simulated or Recorded Spatial Sound onto 3D-Surfaces |
Primavera A., Cecchi S., et al. | Mixed Time-Frequency approach for Multipoint Room Response Equalization |
van Nimwegen C., Brouckxon H., et al. | Sociability Evaluation of a Prototype Audio Spatialisation System for Teleconferencing and Group Communication Tasks |
Psychoacoustics and hearing | |
Ahonen J., Sivonen V., et al. | Parametric spatial sound processing applied to bilateral hearing aids |
Murakami Y. and Ishimitsu S. | Generation Mechanisms of Two-tone Suppression using Cochlear Model |
Nakanishi M. And Nishi T. | Modeling system for the cocktail party effect |
Prodi N., Visentin C., et al. | Listening Efficiency Testing |
Rämö J., Välimäki V., et al. | Perceptual Frequency Response Simulator for Music in Noisy Environments |
Sciabica J., Olivero A., et al. | Dissimilarity test modelling by time-frequency representation applied to engine sound |
Takanen M. and Lorho G. | A Binaural Auditory Model for the Evaluation of Reproduced Stereophonic Sound |
Takanen M., Hiipakka M., et al. |
Audibility of coloration artifacts in HRTF filter designs |
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