
AES Section Meeting Reports

Ecuador - February 5, 2024

Meeting Topic:

Moderator Name:

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Meeting Location:


Online meeting lasting 60 minutes in which the following topics were discussed:

- The dates for the AES/CASE conference must be confirmed, possibly at the end of May.
- Proposed curatorial lines:
- Workshops on audio workflow with AI.
- Cultural impact of the use of AI.
- Inclusion of remix competition and plug-in design competition.
- Speakers, sponsors, and permissions from bands for remixes need to be sought.
Proposed bands: Can-Can and Sobrepeso.
- Conduct a survey of papers to be presented at the conference.
- It is proposed to hold the conference around June/July in the city of Cuenca to separate it from the CASE conference. In this case, logistical support needs to be sought to make it viable.
- The date for the next meeting to present conclusions for the conference is still pending.
- Priority to the meeting with Jorge Azama as the Latin American representative, proposed date: February 7th.

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More About Ecuador Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society