
AES Section Meeting Reports

Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - April 3, 2023

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Zo opens the meeting with a short run through of the agenda, going over introductions, plans for the meeting, and segments of the meeting for those who may be here for the first time. He follows up with officeholder information, opening contact information for anyone to contact the current officeholders. Following contact information, Zo explains the event taking place next week. Jeff Harris will be leading a re-amp build on April 17th for all AES attendees. Zo also talks about the studio manager panel with Paula Salvatore and Candice Stewart on april 27th. Zo shows off the mentorship program offered through CRAS, introducing the mentors in the room incase anyone needs additional help with cycles 1-6. In the name of extracurriculars, Zo hands it off to the subgroup leaders to talk about each of their AES run sub-groups, including EDM Production, Sound Design, and Music Theory.
The meeting continues on to describe the perks of being a member of AES. Slides go over the discounts available for students, resources and documents available for members, and the worldwide AES community that students can become a part of. After going in depth about the AES network, Zo introduces Kyra Phillips' "Pass the Aux" playlist, an open, collaborative playlist curated by the CRAS AES chapter. Zo then introduces the Audio Aesthetics slide, going into a video about the sound design behind No Role Modelz. After learning about the sound design behind J. Cole's hit, Zo moves into an interactive slide called "What do you think?". This week's question, Do you think Dolby Atmos is the future of audio? In order to go in depth about the workings and equivalents of Dolby Atmos, Zo demonstrates Ambisonics to the group. After the discussion begins to die down, the meeting concludes with an invitation for members to network among one another and meet their fellow CRAS AES members.

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More About Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society