
AES Section Meeting Reports

Japan - July 29, 2021

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"Ear training" is an educational audio listening method adopted in many universities and audio companies.
It is an educational method that enhances understanding and sensitivity to sound. First, Dr. Kawahara made a brief explanation of what the Technical Ear training is. The Technical Ear Training is to make listners understand the differences in sound, express the sounds as physical parameters, and the goal is for listeners to be able to communicate the sounds with physical words. Dr. Kawahara introduced an example at Kyushu University which is under COVID-19 situation. Next, Mr. Morio explained the "Shinji Online"' system, self-study function. Also, participants experienced a "Shinji Online" demo. Mr. Morio shared the screen in real-time and explained while playing the sound. In the question/answer session, some questions were raised on how to conduct lessons in Covid-19 years and some technical questions about the "Shinji Online" itself. In the end, Dr. Nishimura, as the moderator of this session, joined them, and they discussed "Technical Ear training."

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