
AES Section Meeting Reports

Webster University - September 1, 2017

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It's the start of the new school year, and we have been gearing up for our future events. Our first event being a concert series on October 13th, which we have three bands confirmed to play, and a handful of students signed up to help set up and tear down the event.

We have also been very hard at work planning for our trip to the 143rd International AES Convention in New York. We have selected two students to travel with the Webster AES chapter to the convention. We are looking forward to recruiting in NYC for our Central Region Audio Student Summit on February 23rd through the 25th 2018.

In the Future, we have a silent film with a live band that we will be providing sound reinforcement for on November 12th. We are also in the process of nailing down details for a workshop on Networked audio with Ironman Sound Industries.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society