
AES Section Meeting Reports

Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - July 31, 2014

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Today for our AES meeting at CRAS we decided to view a documentary titled "DEMOS". This documentary is beneficial to our students because it gives us a look into the music industry from the perspective of independent artists. The documentary covered various topics ranging from label deals to putting in the work to make it on your own. The importance of honing your skills was stressed along with the fact that if your going to do it you have to live it on all levels.
A lot of the subjects they covered are things that as an engineer may be of importance. one thing they talked about is using the internet. The internet used as a tool is multi faceted in the fact that you can use it for marketing, promoting, and even for finding future gigs. Another point made was the importance of professionalism and how you present your self. You have to find a way to stand out uniquely, but in the best way possible.
In a quick summary of "DEMOS", the films purpose was to inform how the industry has changed over the years and still is. More importantly they talk about how if you are going be in this industry you must empower and equip yourself with essential information to maximize your chances of success!
Whether you are an artist, engineer, or looking to enter the industry on any level there is something you will be able to take from this documentary.

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