
AES Section Meeting Reports

Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - October 24, 2013

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At tonight's meeting CRAS AES had the honor of having Christian Salyer, CEO of Blazed Out Music, come in to speak about his company and how he got to be where he is today. At a young age Christian would play shows in Tucson, Az and from meeting people at those shows he soon went on to writing jingles for commercials. This led him to meeting the production manager at KTTU and opened up the field of game audio music to him. After this he attended PIMA school and went on to work at Under Dogs Audio in LA doing music for TV and Film.

These experiences helped Christian to build a name in the industry by having credits to follow him so he could start his own business, Blazed Out Music. Today Christian does custom scores, production music library/library music as well as publishing through Blazed Out Music.

Christian gave students some valuable advice on running their own companies and building relationships with other companies such as working for free just to help build up your credits. He also explained the differences between custom music and library music, and the job duties of a music supervisor. Christian also explained how to get a publishing deal, and what stem music is.

We then opened the floor to questions from the students such as, what happens after music is picked out and licensed and how a composer or publisher gets paid. Christian was able to answer these questions thoroughly and help students to better understand a field they might be looking to get into. He also talked to students about ASCAP, CSAP, PRO & BMI and the pro's/con's to each and how to become a member of one.

With over 1000 TV show credits and 10 video game credits Christian was able to inspire/excite each student further into the field they are looking forward to getting into one day!

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