
AES Press Release: AES Amsterdam 2008

Student Paper Award Selected

For Release: May 2, 2008



Amsterdam, May 2008: A ground-breaking treatise on Modeling Frequency-Dependent Boundaries as Digital Impedance Filters in FDTD and K-DWM Room Acoustics Simulations has been selected as AES 124th Convention Student Paper Award recipient. The Convention will be held at the RAI in Amsterdam, May 17 – 20.


Konrad Kowalczyk

Culled from a field of over forty submissions, the paper was authored by Konrad Kowalczyk, and supervised by Maarten van Walstijn of the Sonic Arts Research Centre, Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. The announcement was made by John Strawn, chair of the AES Convention Policy Committee that oversees the competition.


“AES Papers submission standards are rigorous, and the competition for the Student Paper Award is intense,” Dr. Strawn said. “Mr. Kowalczyk’s paper reflects impressive research skills and offers an innovative approach to simulating room acoustics.  This is a major step forward.”


Mr. Kowalczyk will present his paper and receive the award on Monday, May 19th. The paper will be published in the Journal of The Audio Engineering Society later this year.


Student Paper Award Nominees are required to meet the following qualifications:

  • Paper accepted for presentation at the AES 124th Convention
  • Author was a student when the work was conducted and the manuscript prepared
  • The student author’s affiliation listed in ms is an accredited educational institution
  • The student will deliver the lecture or poster presentation at the Convention

The AES Student Paper Award competition is open twice a year. The next competition will be held in conjunction with the AES convention in San Francisco in October. Students wishing to submit a paper for the next AES convention can do so through



More details of this event and about the full program are available on the AES website. Please visit and click on 124th Convention to display the program information, for hotel booking and for pre-registration.




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AES Pro Audio Expo & Convention in Amsterdam
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European AES Press Relations

Stefani Renner

Phone: +49 221 940 43 72