
AES Press Release: AES San Francisco 2012

133rd AES Convention Product Design Track Breaks New Ground

For Release: August 7, 2012


Enhancing Acoustically Challenged Devices – Processor Agnostic Systems – Audio For iPad Publishers

Conrad Cooke

SAN FRANCISCO: 133rd AES Convention Product Design Track Chair, Conrad Cooke, has developed a groundbreaking combination of razor edge Tutorials, Workshops and Master Class Events,” states Convention Co-Chair Jim McTigue. “This Track is designed to provide deep insights into emerging technology which is expected to have a lasting impact on the field of pro audio.” 

 “My goal was to ferret out the most relevant issues facing today’s product designers,” Conrad Cooke said. “I uncovered a wealth of knowledge, and selected thirteen presentations which present techniques to help solve some of those common issues. We are confident that attendees will come away with invaluable information that will greatly benefit their future thinking.”

133rd AES Convention Product Design Track Events Include:

A Next Generation Audio Processing Suite For The Enhancement of Acoustically Challenged Devices: Presenter, Alan Seefeldt, Dolby Laboratories – A commercial audio processing suite has been developed to enhance the sound of acoustically challenged devices such as laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. This tutorial will address the design principles and algorithms developed for the suite. Each example was designed to operate within a common frequency domain framework. Several of these algorithms were tuned specifically for the acoustics of the device on which they operate.

Implementing Application Processor Agnostic Audio Systems For Portable Consumer Applications: Presenter, Jess Brown, Wolfson Microelectronics  – This tutorial will outline future audio trends for portable consumer devices. Areas covered include: HD audio voice, capture, playback and share. The total 'mouth to ear' audio solution will be reviewed, from both the technology and device perspectives.

Don't Make Your Product a Noise Nightmare: William Whitlock, President/Chief Engineer, Jensen Transformers – Audio systems that operate on AC power experience interference in the form of ground voltage differences, magnetic fields, and electric fields. Establishing high immunity in real world, mass-produced equipment is not a trivial issue. This Master Class will probe the critical importance of high common-mode impedances; the disadvantages of legacy test methods; the new IEC test for CMRR; alternatives to ordinary input stages and ubiquitous design errors.

Audio For iPad Publishers: Jeff Essex, AudioSyncrasy Book publishers are running to the iPad, and not just for iBooks, or one-off apps. This tutorial consists of two case studies which explore how to build audio creation and content management systems to produce multiple apps in high-volume environments, including VO production, concatenation schemes, file-naming conventions, audio file types for iOS, and, helping book publishers transition from the printed page to interactive publishing. 

Audio In HTML 5: Jeff Essex, AudioSyncrasy, Jory K. Prum, HTML 5 is coming. Many expect it to supplant Flash as an online rich media player, as Apple has made abundantly clear. But audio support is slow in coming, and there are currently marked differences between browsers. From an audio content standpoint, it's the Nineties all over again. The W3C's Audio Working Group is developing standards, but this is a fast-moving target. This talk will provide an update on what's working, what isn't.

Multimedia Device Audio Architecture: Laurent Le Faucheur, Texas Instruments – This tutorial investigates a low cost, hardware audio architecture that solves several mobile low power multimedia application processor constraints related to: Legacy software reuse, signal processing performance, power optimization, multiple data format interfaces, and low latency voice and tones.

Audio DSP Requirements For Tomorrow's Mobile & Portable Devices: John Richards, Oxford Digital Limited: Presenters: Peter Eastty ( Oxford Digital), Howard Brown (IDT), Bob Adams (ADI), Alan Kramer (SRS Labs), Juha Backman (Nokia), Cyril Martin (RIM) As the convergence of communications, entertainment and computing races ahead, largely centered on portable and mobile devices where form factors are shrinking and style wins out over practicality of design in some instances, the challenges in delivering the audio DSP to provide good sound and differentiated effects are discussed by a panel of experts representing semiconductor manufacturers, mobile/portable device manufacturers and DSP IP providers.

Other Product Design Track Presentations Include:

·      Ethernet Standard Audio: Steve Lampen, Belden

·      Rub & Buzz and Other Irregular Loudspeaker Distortion: Wolfgang Klippel

·      An Overview of Audio System Grounding and Interfacing: William Whitlock, Jensen Transformers

·      AVB Networking For Product Designers: Rob Silfvast, Avid

·      Graphical Audio/DSP Applications Development Environment For Fixed And Floating Point Processors: Miguel Chavez, Analog Devices

Scheduled for October 26 – 29 at SF’s Moscone Center, the Convention is expected to draw thousands of attendees from around the globe to its 4-day program of Broadcast/Streaming, Educational, Live Sound and other Special Events.

Photo: Conrad Cooke, 133rd AES Convention Product Design Track Chair



The Audio Engineering Society was formed in 1948 by a group of concerned audio engineers. The AES counts over 14,000 members throughout the U.S., Latin America, Europe, Japan and the Far East. The organization serves as the pivotal force in the exchange and dissemination of technical information for the industry. For additional information visit